Package com.pahimar.ee3.handler

Examples of com.pahimar.ee3.handler.CraftingHandler

            int trueYCoord = ((TileEntityDummyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).getTrueYCoord();
            int trueZCoord = ((TileEntityDummyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).getTrueZCoord();

            if (world.getTileEntity(trueXCoord, trueYCoord, trueZCoord) instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
                TileEntityAlchemyArray tileEntityAlchemyArray = (TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(trueXCoord, trueYCoord, trueZCoord);
                boolean invalidateAlchemyArray = false;

                if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.UP && !world.isSideSolid(x, y - 1, z, ForgeDirection.UP, true))
                    invalidateAlchemyArray = true;
                else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.DOWN && !world.isSideSolid(x, y + 1, z, ForgeDirection.DOWN, true))
                    invalidateAlchemyArray = true;
                else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.NORTH && !world.isSideSolid(x, y, z + 1, ForgeDirection.NORTH, true))
                    invalidateAlchemyArray = true;
                else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.SOUTH && !world.isSideSolid(x, y, z - 1, ForgeDirection.SOUTH, true))
                    invalidateAlchemyArray = true;
                else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.EAST && !world.isSideSolid(x - 1, y, z, ForgeDirection.EAST, true))
                    invalidateAlchemyArray = true;
                else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.WEST && !world.isSideSolid(x + 1, y, z, ForgeDirection.WEST, true))
                    invalidateAlchemyArray = true;

                if (invalidateAlchemyArray)
                    world.getTileEntity(x, y, z).invalidate();
                    world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
                    world.setBlockToAir(trueXCoord, trueYCoord, trueZCoord);
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     * @param metaData
    public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World world, int metaData)
        return new TileEntityAlchemyArray();
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    public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block block)
        if (!world.isRemote && world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
            TileEntityAlchemyArray tileEntityAlchemyArray = (TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
            boolean invalidateAlchemyArray = false;

            if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.UP && !world.isSideSolid(x, y - 1, z, ForgeDirection.UP, true))
                invalidateAlchemyArray = true;
            else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.DOWN && !world.isSideSolid(x, y + 1, z, ForgeDirection.DOWN, true))
                invalidateAlchemyArray = true;
            else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.NORTH && !world.isSideSolid(x, y, z + 1, ForgeDirection.NORTH, true))
                invalidateAlchemyArray = true;
            else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.SOUTH && !world.isSideSolid(x, y, z - 1, ForgeDirection.SOUTH, true))
                invalidateAlchemyArray = true;
            else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.EAST && !world.isSideSolid(x - 1, y, z, ForgeDirection.EAST, true))
                invalidateAlchemyArray = true;
            else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.WEST && !world.isSideSolid(x + 1, y, z, ForgeDirection.WEST, true))
                invalidateAlchemyArray = true;

            if (invalidateAlchemyArray)
                world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
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    public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer entityPlayer, int sideHit, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
        if (!world.isRemote && world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
            TileEntityAlchemyArray tileEntityAlchemyArray = (TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
            if (entityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem() != null && entityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem() instanceof ItemChalk && !entityPlayer.isSneaking())
                NBTTagCompound customEntityData = EntityHelper.getCustomEntityData(entityPlayer);
                ChalkSettings chalkSettings = new ChalkSettings();

                ResourceLocation glyphTexture = GlyphTextureRegistry.getInstance().getRegisteredGlyphAt(chalkSettings.getIndex());

                if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.addGlyphToAlchemyArray(new Glyph(glyphTexture, GlyphTextureRegistry.getInstance().getRegisteredGlyphTextures().get(glyphTexture)), chalkSettings.getSize()))
                    world.markBlockForUpdate(x, y, z);
                    world.getTileEntity(x, y, z).markDirty();
                    return true;
                tileEntityAlchemyArray.onBlockActivated(world, x, y, z, entityPlayer, sideHit, hitX, hitY, hitZ);

        return false;
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    public MovingObjectPosition collisionRayTrace(World world, int x, int y, int z, Vec3 startVec, Vec3 endVec)
        if (world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
            TileEntityAlchemyArray tileEntityAlchemyArray = (TileEntityAlchemyArray) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);

            switch (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation())
                case DOWN:
                    this.setBlockBounds(0f, 1f, 0f, 1f, 1 - 0.0625f, 1f);
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    public void renderTileEntityAt(TileEntity tileEntity, double x, double y, double z, float tick)
        if (tileEntity instanceof TileEntityAlchemyArray)
            TileEntityAlchemyArray tileEntityAlchemyArray = (TileEntityAlchemyArray) FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().theWorld.getTileEntity(tileEntity.xCoord, tileEntity.yCoord, tileEntity.zCoord);

            int scale;
            double xShift = 0.5d, yShift = 0.5d, zShift = 0.5d;
            float xRotate = 0, yRotate = 0, zRotate = 0;
            int rotationAngle = 0;


            for (Glyph glyph : tileEntityAlchemyArray.getGlyphs())
                scale = glyph.getSize();
                if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.UP)
                    if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.NORTH)
                        rotationAngle = 0;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.EAST)
                        rotationAngle = -90;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.SOUTH)
                        rotationAngle = 180;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.WEST)
                        rotationAngle = 90;

                    yShift = 0.001d;
                    xRotate = -1;
                else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.DOWN)
                    if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.NORTH)
                        rotationAngle = 0;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.EAST)
                        rotationAngle = -90;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.SOUTH)
                        rotationAngle = 180;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.WEST)
                        rotationAngle = 90;

                    yShift = 0.999d;
                    xRotate = 1;
                else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.NORTH)
                    if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.UP)
                        rotationAngle = -90;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.EAST)
                        rotationAngle = -180;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.DOWN)
                        rotationAngle = 90;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.WEST)
                        rotationAngle = 0;

                    zRotate = 1;
                    zShift = 0.999d;
                else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.SOUTH)
                    if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.UP)
                        rotationAngle = -90;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.EAST)
                        rotationAngle = 0;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.DOWN)
                        rotationAngle = 90;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.WEST)
                        rotationAngle = -180;

                    zRotate = -1;
                    zShift = 0.001d;
                else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.EAST)
                    if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.UP)
                        rotationAngle = 180;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.DOWN)
                        rotationAngle = 0;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.NORTH)
                        rotationAngle = -90;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.SOUTH)
                        rotationAngle = 90;

                    yRotate = 1;
                    xShift = 0.001d;
                else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation() == ForgeDirection.WEST)
                    if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.UP)
                        rotationAngle = 180;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.DOWN)
                        rotationAngle = 0;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.NORTH)
                        rotationAngle = 90;
                    else if (tileEntityAlchemyArray.getRotation() == ForgeDirection.SOUTH)
                        rotationAngle = -90;

                    yRotate = -1;
                    xShift = 0.999d;

                GL11.glTranslated(x + xShift, y + yShift, z + zShift);
                GL11.glScalef(1f * scale, 1f * scale, 1f * scale);
                GL11.glRotatef(rotationAngle, tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation().offsetX, tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation().offsetY, tileEntityAlchemyArray.getOrientation().offsetZ);
                GL11.glRotatef(90, xRotate, yRotate, zRotate);
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    public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World world, int metaData)
        return new TileEntityAludel();
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    public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block block)
        TileEntityAludel tileEntityAludel = (TileEntityAludel) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
        tileEntityAludel.hasGlassBell = world.getTileEntity(x, y + 1, z) instanceof TileEntityGlassBell;

        super.onNeighborBlockChange(world, x, y, z, block);
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            if (world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) instanceof TileEntityAludel)
                TileEntityAludel tileEntityAludel = (TileEntityAludel) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);

                ItemStack itemStackGlassBell = tileEntityGlassBell.getStackInSlot(TileEntityGlassBell.DISPLAY_SLOT_INVENTORY_INDEX);

                tileEntityGlassBell.setInventorySlotContents(TileEntityGlassBell.DISPLAY_SLOT_INVENTORY_INDEX, null);

                tileEntityAludel.setInventorySlotContents(TileEntityAludel.INPUT_INVENTORY_INDEX, itemStackGlassBell);

                tileEntityAludel.hasGlassBell = true;
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    public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World world, int metaData)
        return new TileEntityAugmentationTable();
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Related Classes of com.pahimar.ee3.handler.CraftingHandler

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