Package com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter1.recipe7.task

Examples of com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter1.recipe7.task.SafeTask

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
     * Create a new MyThreadFactory object
    MyThreadFactory threadFactory=new MyThreadFactory("MyThreadFactory");
     * Create a new ThreadPoolExecutor and configure it for use the
     * MyThreadFactoryObject created before as the factory to create the threads
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  public static void main(String[] args) {

     * Create a new MyLock object
    MyLock lock=new MyLock();
     * Create and run ten task objects
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
      Task task=new Task("Task-"+i,lock);
      Thread thread=new Thread(task);
     * The main thread also tries to get the lock
    boolean value;
    do {
      try {
        if (!value) {
          System.out.printf("Main: Trying to get the Lock\n");
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    } while (!value);
     * The main thread release the lock
    System.out.printf("Main: Got the lock\n");
     * Write a message in the console indicating the end of the program
    System.out.printf("Main: End of the program\n");
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     * Create and run ten task objects
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
      Task task=new Task("Task-"+i,lock);
      Thread thread=new Thread(task);
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  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
     * Create a ParkingCounter object
    ParkingCounter counter=new ParkingCounter(5);
     * Create and launch two sensors
    Sensor1 sensor1=new Sensor1(counter);
    Sensor2 sensor2=new Sensor2(counter);
    Thread thread1=new Thread(sensor1);
    Thread thread2=new Thread(sensor2);
     * Wait for the finalization of the threads
     * Write in the console the number of cars in the parking
    System.out.printf("Main: Number of cars: %d\n",counter.get());
     * Writ a message indicating the end of the program
    System.out.printf("Main: End of the program.\n");
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    ParkingCounter counter=new ParkingCounter(5);
     * Create and launch two sensors
    Sensor1 sensor1=new Sensor1(counter);
    Sensor2 sensor2=new Sensor2(counter);
    Thread thread1=new Thread(sensor1);
    Thread thread2=new Thread(sensor2);
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     * Create and launch two sensors
    Sensor1 sensor1=new Sensor1(counter);
    Sensor2 sensor2=new Sensor2(counter);
    Thread thread1=new Thread(sensor1);
    Thread thread2=new Thread(sensor2);
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    ForkJoinPool pool=new ForkJoinPool();
     * Task to increment the elements of the array
    Task task=new Task("Task",array,0,array.length);
     * Send the task to the pool
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  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
     * Create a task object
    Task task = new Task();
     * Create an array to store the threads
    Thread threads[] = new Thread[5];
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     * Create and launch a thread every 200 milliseconds. After each creation,
     * show information about the semaphore
    for (int i=0; i<threads.length; i++) {
      Task task=new Task(semaphore);
      threads[i]=new Thread(task);
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     * Create and submit ten tasks
    Random random=new Random();
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
      Task task=new Task(random.nextInt(10000));
     * Write information about the executor
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Related Classes of com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter1.recipe7.task.SafeTask

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