// Create the address without country
Address anAddress = new Address("Godewaersvelde");
anAddress = database.save(anAddress);
Address realAddress = database.detachAll(anAddress, true);
// Create the person
Profile aPerson = new Profile("Jack", "Jack", "Black", null);
aPerson = database.save(aPerson);
// Update the address by another way (another process for example)
City aCity = new City("Paris");
aCity = database.save(aCity);
String command = "update " + anAddress.getId() + " set city = " + database.getIdentity(aCity);
database.command(new OCommandSQL(command)).execute();
realAddress = database.reload(anAddress, true);
// At this point, in OrientDB Studio everything is fine
// The address has the good country @rid, with version +1
// Now reload and detachAll the person
Profile newPerson = database.reload(aPerson, "*:-1", true);
Profile finalPerson = database.detachAll(newPerson, true);
// But with the reload, the country is null
Assert.assertNotNull(finalPerson.getLocation().getCity()); // out = null
// Same problem with query and detachAll
String query = "select from Profile where name = 'Jack' and surname = 'Black'";
newPerson = (Profile) database.query(new OSQLSynchQuery<Object>(query), new Object[0]).get(0);
finalPerson = database.detachAll(newPerson, true);
Assert.assertNotNull(finalPerson.getLocation().getCity()); // out = null
// Close db