throw new UnsupportedOperationException("CSV storage format is out of dated and is not supported.");
public Object fromStream(final byte[] iStream) throws IOException {
final OCompositeKey compositeKey = new OCompositeKey();
final OMemoryInputStream inputStream = new OMemoryInputStream(iStream);
final int keysSize = inputStream.getAsInteger();
for (int i = 0; i < keysSize; i++) {
final byte[] keyBytes = inputStream.getAsByteArray();
final String keyString = OBinaryProtocol.bytes2string(keyBytes);
final int typeSeparatorPos = keyString.indexOf(',');
final OType type = OType.valueOf(keyString.substring(0, typeSeparatorPos));
compositeKey.addKey(ORecordSerializerStringAbstract.simpleValueFromStream(keyString.substring(typeSeparatorPos + 1), type));