Package com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.finder

Examples of com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.finder.ClassFinder$DefaultClassnameFilterImpl

                // url set, which can produce spurious warnings for non-action
                // classes that can't be loaded. We pass a package filter that
                // only considers classes that match the action packages
                // specified by the user
                Test<String> classPackageTest = getClassPackageTest();
                ClassFinder finder = new ClassFinder(getClassLoaderInterface(), buildUrlSet().getUrls(), true, this.fileProtocols, classPackageTest);

                Test<ClassFinder.ClassInfo> test = getActionClassTest();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (LOG.isErrorEnabled())
                LOG.error("Unable to scan named packages", ex);
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                // url set, which can produce spurious warnings for non-action
                // classes that can't be loaded. We pass a package filter that
                // only considers classes that match the action packages
                // specified by the user
                Test<String> classPackageTest = getClassPackageTest();
                ClassFinder finder = new ClassFinder(getClassLoaderInterface(), buildUrlSet().getUrls(), true, this.fileProtocols, classPackageTest);

                Test<ClassFinder.ClassInfo> test = getActionClassTest();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (LOG.isErrorEnabled())
                LOG.error("Unable to scan named packages", ex);
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                // classes that can't be loaded. We pass a package filter that
                // only considers classes that match the action packages
                // specified by the user
                Test<String> classPackageTest = getClassPackageTest();
                List<URL> urls = readUrls();
                ClassFinder finder = new ClassFinder(getClassLoaderInterface(), urls, EXTRACT_BASE_INTERFACES, fileProtocols, classPackageTest);

                Test<ClassFinder.ClassInfo> test = getActionClassTest();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (LOG.isErrorEnabled())
                LOG.error("Unable to scan named packages", ex);
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                // url set, which can produce spurious warnings for non-action
                // classes that can't be loaded. We pass a package filter that
                // only considers classes that match the action packages
                // specified by the user
                Test<String> classPackageTest = getClassPackageTest();
                ClassFinder finder = new ClassFinder(getClassLoaderInterface(), buildUrlSet().getUrls(), true, this.fileProtocols, classPackageTest);

                Test<ClassFinder.ClassInfo> test = getActionClassTest();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (LOG.isErrorEnabled())
                LOG.error("Unable to scan named packages", ex);
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                // classes that can't be loaded. We pass a package filter that
                // only considers classes that match the action packages
                // specified by the user
                Test<String> classPackageTest = getClassPackageTest();
                List<URL> urls = readUrls();
                ClassFinder finder = new ClassFinder(getClassLoaderInterface(), urls, EXTRACT_BASE_INTERFACES, fileProtocols, classPackageTest);

                Test<ClassFinder.ClassInfo> test = getActionClassTest();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (LOG.isErrorEnabled())
                LOG.error("Unable to scan named packages", ex);
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                // classes that can't be loaded. We pass a package filter that
                // only considers classes that match the action packages
                // specified by the user
                Test<String> classPackageTest = getClassPackageTest();
                List<URL> urls = readUrls();
                ClassFinder finder = new ClassFinder(getClassLoaderInterface(), urls, EXTRACT_BASE_INTERFACES, fileProtocols, classPackageTest);

                Test<ClassFinder.ClassInfo> test = getActionClassTest();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (LOG.isErrorEnabled())
                LOG.error("Unable to scan named packages", ex);
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                // classes that can't be loaded. We pass a package filter that
                // only considers classes that match the action packages
                // specified by the user
                Test<String> classPackageTest = getClassPackageTest();
                List<URL> urls = readUrls();
                ClassFinder finder = new ClassFinder(getClassLoaderInterface(), urls, EXTRACT_BASE_INTERFACES, fileProtocols, classPackageTest);

                Test<ClassFinder.ClassInfo> test = getActionClassTest();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (LOG.isErrorEnabled())
                LOG.error("Unable to scan named packages", ex);
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  protected ClassLoaderInterface getClassLoaderInterface() {
    if (isReloadEnabled()) return new ClassLoaderInterfaceDelegate(reloadingClassLoader);
    else {
      ClassLoaderInterface classLoaderInterface = null;
      ActionContext ctx = ActionContext.getContext();
      if (ctx != null) classLoaderInterface = (ClassLoaderInterface) ctx
      return (ClassLoaderInterface) ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(classLoaderInterface,
          new ClassLoaderInterfaceDelegate(getClassLoader()));
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  private Set<URL> buildUrls() {
    Set<URL> urls = CollectUtils.newHashSet();
    Enumeration<URL> em;
    ClassLoaderInterface classloader = getClassLoaderInterface();
    try {
      em = classloader.getResources("struts-plugin.xml");
      while (em.hasMoreElements()) {
        URL url = em.nextElement();
        urls.add(new URL(substringBeforeLast(url.toExternalForm(), "struts-plugin.xml")));
      em = classloader.getResources("struts.xml");
      while (em.hasMoreElements()) {
        URL url = em.nextElement();
        urls.add(new URL(substringBeforeLast(url.toExternalForm(), "struts.xml")));
    } catch (IOException e) {
View Full Code Here"Action scan completely,create {} action in {} ms", newActions,
        System.currentTimeMillis() - start);

  protected ClassLoaderInterface getClassLoaderInterface() {
    if (isReloadEnabled()) return new ClassLoaderInterfaceDelegate(reloadingClassLoader);
    else {
      ClassLoaderInterface classLoaderInterface = null;
      ActionContext ctx = ActionContext.getContext();
      if (ctx != null) classLoaderInterface = (ClassLoaderInterface) ctx
      return (ClassLoaderInterface) ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(classLoaderInterface,
          new ClassLoaderInterfaceDelegate(getClassLoader()));
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Related Classes of com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.finder.ClassFinder$DefaultClassnameFilterImpl

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