* Process {@link InputConfig} annotation applied to method
protected String processInputConfig(final Object action, final String method, final String currentResultName) throws Exception {
String resultName = currentResultName;
InputConfig annotation = action.getClass().getMethod(method, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY).getAnnotation(InputConfig.class);
if (annotation != null) {
if (!annotation.methodName().equals("")) {
Method m = action.getClass().getMethod(annotation.methodName());
resultName = (String) m.invoke(action);
} else {
resultName = annotation.resultName();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Changing result name from [#0] to [#1] because of processing annotation [#2] on action [#3]",
currentResultName, resultName, InputConfig.class.getSimpleName(), action);