This interceptor sets all parameters on the value stack.
This interceptor gets all parameters from {@link ActionContext#getParameters()} and sets them on the value stack bycalling {@link ValueStack#setValue(String,Object)}, typically resulting in the values submitted in a form request being applied to an action in the value stack. Note that the parameter map must contain a String key and often containers a String[] for the value.
The interceptor takes one parameter named 'ordered'. When set to true action properties are guaranteed to be set top-down which means that top action's properties are set first. Then it's subcomponents properties are set. The reason for this order is to enable a 'factory' pattern. For example, let's assume that one has an action that contains a property named 'modelClass' that allows to choose what is the underlying implementation of model. By assuring that modelClass property is set before any model properties are set, it's possible to choose model implementation during action.setModelClass() call. Similiarily it's possible to use action.setPrimaryKey() property set call to actually load the model class from persistent storage. Without any assumption on parameter order you have to use patterns like 'Preparable'.
Because parameter names are effectively OGNL statements, it is important that security be taken in to account. This interceptor will not apply any values in the parameters map if the expression contains an assignment (=), multiple expressions (,), or references any objects in the context (#). This is all done in the {@link #acceptableName(String)} method. In addition to this method, if the action being invoked implements the {@link ParameterNameAware} interface, the action will be consulted to determine if the parameter should be set.
In addition to these restrictions, a flag ( {@link ReflectionContextState#DENY_METHOD_EXECUTION}) is set such that no methods are allowed to be invoked. That means that any expression such as
person.doSomething() or
person.getName() will be explicitely forbidden. This is needed to make sure that your application is not exposed to attacks by malicious users.
While this interceptor is being invoked, a flag ( {@link ReflectionContextState#CREATE_NULL_OBJECTS}) is turned on to ensure that any null reference is automatically created - if possible. See the type conversion documentation and the {@link InstantiatingNullHandler} javadocs for more information.
Finally, a third flag ( {@link XWorkConverter#REPORT_CONVERSION_ERRORS}) is set that indicates any errors when converting the the values to their final data type (String[] -> int) an unrecoverable error occured. With this flag set, the type conversion errors will be reported in the action context. See the type conversion documentation and the {@link XWorkConverter} javadocs for more information.
If you are looking for detailed logging information about your parameters, turn on DEBUG level logging for this interceptor. A detailed log of all the parameter keys and values will be reported.
Note: Since XWork 2.0.2, this interceptor extends {@link MethodFilterInterceptor}, therefore being able to deal with excludeMethods / includeMethods parameters. See [Workflow Interceptor] (class {@link DefaultWorkflowInterceptor}) for documentation and examples on how to use this feature.
Interceptor parameters: - ordered - set to true if you want the top-down property setter behaviour
- acceptParamNames - a comma delimited list of regular expressions to describe a whitelist of accepted parameter names. Don't change the default unless you know what you are doing in terms of security implications
- excludeParams - a comma delimited list of regular expressions to describe a blacklist of not allowed parameter names
- paramNameMaxLength - the maximum length of parameter names; parameters with longer names will be ignored; the default is 100 characters
Extending the interceptor: The best way to add behavior to this interceptor is to utilize the {@link ParameterNameAware} interface in youractions. However, if you wish to apply a global rule that isn't implemented in your action, then you could extend this interceptor and override the {@link #acceptableName(String)} method.
Example code: <action name="someAction" class="com.examples.SomeAction"> <interceptor-ref name="params"/> <result name="success">good_result.ftl</result> </action>
@author Patrick Lightbody