annotations = method.getAnnotations();
for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
if (annotation instanceof TypeConversion) {
TypeConversion tc = (TypeConversion) annotation;
String key = tc.key();
if (mapping.containsKey(key)) {
// Default to the property name
if (key != null && key.length() == 0) {
key = AnnotationUtils.resolvePropertyName(method);
LOG.debug("key from method name... " + key + " - " + method.getName());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(key + ":" + key);
if (key != null) {
try {
if (tc.type() == ConversionType.APPLICATION) {
defaultMappings.put(key, createTypeConverter(tc.converter()));
} else {
if (tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.KEY_PROPERTY)) {
mapping.put(key, tc.value());
//for properties of classes
else if (!(tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.ELEMENT.toString())) ||
tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.KEY.toString()) ||
) {
mapping.put(key, createTypeConverter(tc.converter()));
//for keys of Maps
else if (tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.KEY.toString())) {
Class converterClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(tc.converter());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Converter class: " + converterClass);
//check if the converter is a type converter if it is one
//then just put it in the map as is. Otherwise
//put a value in for the type converter of the class
if (converterClass.isAssignableFrom(TypeConverter.class)) {
mapping.put(key, createTypeConverter(tc.converter()));
} else {
mapping.put(key, converterClass);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Object placed in mapping for key "
+ key
+ " is "
+ mapping.get(key));
//elements(values) of maps / lists
else {
mapping.put(key, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(tc.converter()));
} catch (Exception e) {