" will be associated with success, input and error by default. This might" +
" be overridden by another result file or an annotation.", path);
if (!results.containsKey(Action.SUCCESS)) {
ResultConfig success = createResultConfig(actionClass,
new ResultInfo(Action.SUCCESS, path, packageConfig, resultsByExtension),
packageConfig, null);
results.put(Action.SUCCESS, success);
if (!results.containsKey(Action.INPUT)) {
ResultConfig input = createResultConfig(actionClass,
new ResultInfo(Action.INPUT, path, packageConfig, resultsByExtension),
packageConfig, null);
results.put(Action.INPUT, input);
if (!results.containsKey(Action.ERROR)) {
ResultConfig error = createResultConfig(actionClass,
new ResultInfo(Action.ERROR, path, packageConfig, resultsByExtension),
packageConfig, null);
results.put(Action.ERROR, error);
// This case is when the path contains a result code
} else if (indexOfDot > resultPrefix.length()) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("The result file [#0] has a result code and therefore" +
" will be associated with only that result code.", path);
String resultCode = path.substring(resultPrefix.length() + 1, indexOfDot);
ResultConfig result = createResultConfig(actionClass,
new ResultInfo(resultCode, path, packageConfig, resultsByExtension),
packageConfig, null);
results.put(resultCode, result);