public Result handleUnknownResult(ActionContext actionContext, String actionName,
ActionConfig actionConfig, String resultCode) throws XWorkException {
PackageConfig pkg = configuration.getPackageConfig(actionConfig.getPackageName());
String ns = pkg.getNamespace();
String pathPrefix = determinePath(actionConfig, ns);
Result result = scanResultsByExtension(ns, actionName, pathPrefix, resultCode, actionContext);
if (result == null) {
// Try /idx/action/index.jsp
Map<String, ResultTypeConfig> resultsByExtension = conventionsService.getResultTypesByExtension(pkg);
for (String ext : resultsByExtension.keySet()) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
String fqan = ns + "/" + actionName;
LOG.trace("Checking for [#0/index.#1]", fqan, ext);
String path = string(pathPrefix, actionName, "/index", nameSeparator, resultCode, ".", ext);
result = findResult(path, resultCode, ext, actionContext, resultsByExtension);
if (result != null) {
path = string(pathPrefix, actionName, "/index.", ext);
result = findResult(path, resultCode, ext, actionContext, resultsByExtension);
if (result != null) {
if (result == null && resultCode != null) {
//try to find an action to chain to. If the source action is "foo" and
//the result is "bar", we will try to find an action called "foo-bar"
//in the same package
String chainedTo = actionName + nameSeparator + resultCode;
ActionConfig chainedToConfig = pkg.getActionConfigs().get(chainedTo);
if (chainedToConfig != null) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Action [#0] used as chain result for [#1] and result [#2]", chainedTo, actionName, resultCode);
ResultTypeConfig chainResultType = pkg.getAllResultTypeConfigs().get("chain");
result = buildResult(chainedTo, resultCode, chainResultType, actionContext);
return result;