if (referencedConfig == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find interceptor class referenced by ref-name " + refName, location);
} else {
if (referencedConfig instanceof InterceptorConfig) {
InterceptorConfig config = (InterceptorConfig) referencedConfig;
Interceptor inter = null;
try {
inter = objectFactory.buildInterceptor(config, refParams);
result.add(new InterceptorMapping(refName, inter));
} catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
LOG.warn("Unable to load config class #0 at #1 probably due to a missing jar, which might be fine if you never plan to use the #2 interceptor",
config.getClassName(), ex.getLocation().toString(), config.getName());
LOG.error("Actual exception", ex);
} else if (referencedConfig instanceof InterceptorStackConfig) {