public String determineResultPath(Class<?> actionClass) {
String localResultPath = resultPath;
ResultPath resultPathAnnotation = AnnotationTools.findAnnotation(actionClass, ResultPath.class);
if (resultPathAnnotation != null) {
if (resultPathAnnotation.value().equals("") &&"")) {
throw new ConfigurationException("The ResultPath annotation must have either" +
" a value or property specified.");
String property =;
if (property.equals("")) {
localResultPath = resultPathAnnotation.value();
} else {
try {
ResourceBundle strutsBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("struts");
localResultPath = strutsBundle.getString(property);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ConfigurationException("The action class [" + actionClass + "] defines" +
" a @ResultPath annotation and a property definition however the" +
" could not be found in the classpath using ResourceBundle" +
" OR the bundle exists but the property [" + property + "] is not defined" +
" in the file.", e);