* @param normalizationScheme normalization scheme of store
* @return The value store
protected LastKnownValueStore ensureLastKnownValueStore(ExternalId id, String normalizationScheme) {
LastKnownValueStore lkvStore = _lastKnownValueStoreProvider.newInstance(id, normalizationScheme);
LiveDataSpecification ldspec = new LiveDataSpecification(normalizationScheme, id);
if (_valueStores.putIfAbsent(ldspec, lkvStore) == null) {
s_logger.debug("Created new LKV store and history state for {}", ldspec);
// We actually did the creation. Also create the field history map.
FieldHistoryStore historyStore = new FieldHistoryStore(lkvStore.getFields());
_normalizationState.put(ldspec, historyStore);