
Examples of

    final SABRFormulaData sabrPoint = new SABRFormulaData(alpha, beta, rho, nu);
    final CMSStrikeIntegrant integrant = new CMSStrikeIntegrant(cmsCapFloor, sabrPoint, forward, _cutOffStrike, _mu);
    final double factor = discountFactor * integrant.g(forward) / integrant.h(forward);
    final double absoluteTolerance = 1.0E-9;
    final double relativeTolerance = 1.0E-5;
    final RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(absoluteTolerance, relativeTolerance, getNbIteration());
    final SABRExtrapolationRightFunction sabrExtrapolation = new SABRExtrapolationRightFunction(forward, sabrPoint, _cutOffStrike, cmsCapFloor.getFixingTime(), _mu);
    final EuropeanVanillaOption option = new EuropeanVanillaOption(strike, cmsCapFloor.getFixingTime(), cmsCapFloor.isCap());
    final double[] kpkpp = integrant.kpkpp(strike);
    double firstPart;
    double thirdPart;
    if (cmsCapFloor.isCap()) {
      firstPart = -kpkpp[0] *;
      thirdPart = integrator.integrate(integrant, strike, strike + getIntegrationInterval());
    } else {
      firstPart = 3 * kpkpp[0] *;
      thirdPart = integrator.integrate(integrant, 0.0, strike);
    final double secondPart = integrant.k(strike) * sabrExtrapolation.priceDerivativeStrike(option);

    return cmsCapFloor.getNotional() * cmsCapFloor.getPaymentYearFraction() * factor * (firstPart + secondPart + thirdPart);
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        / sabrData.getCurve(cap.getForwardCurveName()).getDiscountFactor(cap.getFixingPeriodEndTime()) * sabrData.getCurve(cap.getFundingCurveName()).getDiscountFactor(cap.getFixingPeriodEndTime())
        / sabrData.getCurve(cap.getFundingCurveName()).getDiscountFactor(cap.getFixingPeriodStartTime());
    final double strikePart = (1.0 + cap.getFixingAccrualFactor() * cap.getStrike()) * _baseMethod.presentValue(capStandard, sabrData).getAmount();
    final double absoluteTolerance = 1.0;
    final double relativeTolerance = 1E-10;
    final RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(absoluteTolerance, relativeTolerance, _nbIteration);
    final InArrearsIntegrant integrant = new InArrearsIntegrant(_baseMethod, capStandard, sabrData);
    double integralPart;
    try {
      if (cap.isCap()) {
        integralPart = integrator.integrate(integrant, cap.getStrike(), cap.getStrike() + _integrationInterval);
      } else {
        integralPart = integrator.integrate(integrant, 0.0, cap.getStrike());
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    integralPart *= 2.0 * cap.getFixingAccrualFactor();
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    // Integration
    final CMSIntegrant integrant = new CMSIntegrant(discountedCashFlowFixed, alphaFixed, discountedCashFlowIbor, alphaIbor, alphaPayment);
    final double limit = 10.0;
    final double absoluteTolerance = 1.0E-8;
    final double relativeTolerance = 1.0E-9;
    final RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(absoluteTolerance, relativeTolerance, NB_INTEGRATION);
    double pv = 0.0;
    try {
      pv = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI) * integrator.integrate(integrant, -limit, limit) * dfPayment * cms.getNotional() * cms.getPaymentYearFraction();
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      throw new MathException(e);
    return MultipleCurrencyAmount.of(cms.getCurrency(), pv);
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    // Integration
    final CMSIntegrant integrant = new CMSIntegrant(discountedCashFlowFixed, alphaFixed, discountedCashFlowIbor, alphaIbor, alphaPayment);
    final double limit = 10.0;
    final double absoluteTolerance = 1.0E-8;
    final double relativeTolerance = 1.0E-9;
    final RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(absoluteTolerance, relativeTolerance, NB_INTEGRATION);
    double pv = 0.0;
    try {
      pv = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI) * integrator.integrate(integrant, -limit, limit) * dfPayment * cmsCoupon.getNotional() * cmsCoupon.getPaymentYearFraction();
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      throw new MathException(e);
    return CurrencyAmount.of(cmsCoupon.getCurrency(), pv);
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    final double strike = cmsCapFloor.getStrike();
    final double factor = discountFactorTp / integrant.h(forward) * integrant.g(forward);
    final double strikePart = factor * integrant.k(strike) *;
    final double absoluteTolerance = 1.0 / (factor * Math.abs(cmsCapFloor.getNotional()) * cmsCapFloor.getPaymentYearFraction());
    final double relativeTolerance = 1E-10;
    final RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(absoluteTolerance, relativeTolerance, getNbIteration());
    double integralPart;
    try {
      if (cmsCapFloor.isCap()) {
        integralPart = discountFactorTp * integrator.integrate(integrant, strike, strike + getIntegrationInterval());
      } else {
        integralPart = discountFactorTp * integrator.integrate(integrant, 0.0, strike);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      throw new MathException(e);
    final double priceCMS = (strikePart + integralPart) * cmsCapFloor.getNotional() * cmsCapFloor.getPaymentYearFraction();
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    final CMSIntegrant integrantPrice = new CMSIntegrant(cmsCapFloor, sabrPoint, forward, _cutOffStrike, _mu);
    final CMSDeltaIntegrant integrantDelta = new CMSDeltaIntegrant(cmsCapFloor, sabrPoint, forward, _cutOffStrike, _mu);
    final double factor = discountFactor / integrantDelta.h(forward) * integrantDelta.g(forward);
    final double absoluteTolerance = 1.0 / (factor * Math.abs(cmsCapFloor.getNotional()) * cmsCapFloor.getPaymentYearFraction());
    final double relativeTolerance = 1E-10;
    final RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(absoluteTolerance, relativeTolerance, getNbIteration());
    // Price
    final double[] bs = integrantDelta.bsbsp(strike);
    final double[] n = integrantDelta.nnp(forward);
    final double strikePartPrice = discountFactor * integrantDelta.k(strike) * n[0] * bs[0];
    double integralPartPrice;
    try {
      if (cmsCapFloor.isCap()) {
        integralPartPrice = discountFactor * integrator.integrate(integrantPrice, strike, strike + getIntegrationInterval());
      } else {
        integralPartPrice = discountFactor * integrator.integrate(integrantPrice, 0.0, strike);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    final double price = (strikePartPrice + integralPartPrice) * cmsCapFloor.getNotional() * cmsCapFloor.getPaymentYearFraction();
    // Delta
    final double strikePart = discountFactor * integrantDelta.k(strike) * (n[1] * bs[0] + n[0] * bs[1]);
    double integralPart;
    try {
      if (cmsCapFloor.isCap()) {
        integralPart = discountFactor * integrator.integrate(integrantDelta, strike, strike + getIntegrationInterval());
      } else {
        integralPart = discountFactor * integrator.integrate(integrantDelta, 0.0, strike);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    final double deltaS0 = (strikePart + integralPart) * cmsCapFloor.getNotional() * cmsCapFloor.getPaymentYearFraction();
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    for (int loopvega = 0; loopvega < 4; loopvega++) {
      strikePartPrice[loopvega] *= factor2;
    final double absoluteTolerance = 1.0 / (factor * Math.abs(cmsCapFloor.getNotional()) * cmsCapFloor.getPaymentYearFraction());
    final double relativeTolerance = 1E-3;
    final RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(absoluteTolerance, relativeTolerance, getNbIteration());
    final double[] integralPart = new double[4];
    final double[] totalSensi = new double[4];
    for (int loopparameter = 0; loopparameter < 4; loopparameter++) {
      try {
        if (cmsCapFloor.isCap()) {
          integralPart[loopparameter] = discountFactorTp * integrator.integrate(integrantVega, strike, strike + getIntegrationInterval());
        } else {
          integralPart[loopparameter] = discountFactorTp * integrator.integrate(integrantVega, 0.0, strike);
      } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
      totalSensi[loopparameter] = (strikePartPrice[loopparameter] + integralPart[loopparameter]) * cmsCapFloor.getNotional() * cmsCapFloor.getPaymentYearFraction();
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    final SABRFormulaData sabrPoint = new SABRFormulaData(alpha, beta, rho, nu);
    final CMSStrikeIntegrant integrant = new CMSStrikeIntegrant(cmsCapFloor, sabrPoint, forward, _cutOffStrike, _mu);
    final double factor = discountFactor * integrant.g(forward) / integrant.h(forward);
    final double absoluteTolerance = 1.0E-9;
    final double relativeTolerance = 1.0E-5;
    final RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(absoluteTolerance, relativeTolerance, getNbIteration());
    final SABRExtrapolationRightFunction sabrExtrapolation = new SABRExtrapolationRightFunction(forward, sabrPoint, _cutOffStrike, cmsCapFloor.getFixingTime(), _mu);
    final EuropeanVanillaOption option = new EuropeanVanillaOption(strike, cmsCapFloor.getFixingTime(), cmsCapFloor.isCap());
    final double[] kpkpp = integrant.kpkpp(strike);
    double firstPart;
    double thirdPart;
    if (cmsCapFloor.isCap()) {
      firstPart = -kpkpp[0] *;
      thirdPart = integrator.integrate(integrant, strike, strike + getIntegrationInterval());
    } else {
      firstPart = 3 * kpkpp[0] *;
      thirdPart = integrator.integrate(integrant, 0.0, strike);
    final double secondPart = integrant.k(strike) * sabrExtrapolation.priceDerivativeStrike(option);

    return cmsCapFloor.getNotional() * cmsCapFloor.getPaymentYearFraction() * factor * (firstPart + secondPart + thirdPart);
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    // Integration
    final SpreadIntegrant integrant = new SpreadIntegrant(discountedCashFlowFixed, alphaFixed, tau2Fixed, discountedCashFlowIbor, alphaIbor, tau2Ibor, alphaTp, tau2Tp, rhobar, strike,
    final double absoluteTolerance = 1.0E-6; // 1.0E-5;
    final double relativeTolerance = 1.0E-6; // 1.0E-5
    final RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator1D = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(absoluteTolerance, relativeTolerance, NB_INTEGRATION);
    final IntegratorRepeated2D integrator2D = new IntegratorRepeated2D(integrator1D);
    double pv = 0.0;
    try {
      pv = 1.0 / (2.0 * Math.PI * Math.sqrt(1 - rhobar * rhobar))
          * integrator2D.integrate(integrant, new Double[] {-INTEGRATION_LIMIT, -INTEGRATION_LIMIT }, new Double[] {INTEGRATION_LIMIT, INTEGRATION_LIMIT });
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    final double strike = cmsCapFloor.getStrike();
    final double strikePart = discountFactor * integrant.g(forward) / integrant.h(forward) * integrant.k(strike) *;
    final double absoluteTolerance = 0.1 / (discountFactor * Math.abs(cmsCapFloor.getNotional()) * cmsCapFloor.getPaymentYearFraction());
    // Implementation note: Each sub-integral has less than 0.1 currency unit error.
    final double relativeTolerance = 1.0E-6;
    final RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(absoluteTolerance, relativeTolerance, getNbIteration());
    // TODO: replace the integrator by an integrator that does not used the limits (open end). Recorded as [PLAT-1679].
    // TODO: replace the integrator by an integrator that accept infinite interval (for the upper limit of cap).
    double integralPart;
    try {
      if (cmsCapFloor.isCap()) {
        integralPart = discountFactor * integrator.integrate(integrant, strike, strike + getIntegrationInterval());
      } else {
        integralPart = discountFactor * integrator.integrate(integrant, 0.0, strike);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      throw new MathException(e);
    final double priceCMS = (strikePart + integralPart) * cmsCapFloor.getNotional() * cmsCapFloor.getPaymentYearFraction();
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