* Tests parSpread when the present date is on the start date.
public void parSpreadOnStart() {
final ZonedDateTime referenceDate = DEPOSIT_DEFINITION.getStartDate();
final Cash deposit = DEPOSIT_DEFINITION.toDerivative(referenceDate);
final double parSpread = METHOD_DEPOSIT.parSpread(deposit, PROVIDER);
final CashDefinition deposit0Definition = new CashDefinition(EUR, SPOT_DATE, END_DATE, NOTIONAL, RATE + parSpread, DEPOSIT_AF);
final Cash deposit0 = deposit0Definition.toDerivative(referenceDate);
final MultipleCurrencyAmount pv0 = METHOD_DEPOSIT.presentValue(deposit0, PROVIDER);
assertEquals("DepositDefinition: present value", 0, pv0.getAmount(EUR), TOLERANCE_PV);