String mappingId = (String) component.getAttributes().get("mappingId");
if (mappingId == null)
throw new PrettyException("Mapping id was null when attempting to build URL for component: "
+ component.toString() + " <" + component.getClientId(context) + ">");
PrettyContext prettyContext = PrettyContext.getCurrentInstance(context);
PrettyConfig prettyConfig = prettyContext.getConfig();
UrlMapping urlMapping = prettyConfig.getMappingById(mappingId);
String href = context.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath()
+ urlBuilder.build(urlMapping, true, urlBuilder.extractParameters(component));
if ((link.getAnchor() != null) && link.getAnchor().length() > 0)
href += "#" + link.getAnchor();
writer.writeURIAttribute("href", context.getExternalContext().encodeResourceURL(href), "href");
catch (PrettyException e)
throw new PrettyException("Failed to build URL for mapping '" + mappingId
+ "' while rendering <pretty:link> component: " + link.getClientId(context), e);
writeAttr(writer, "id", link.getClientId(context));
writeAttr(writer, "accesskey", link.getAccesskey());