An executor that folds duplicate task submissions.
If a task is submitted while an equivalent task is waiting in the queue, only one of those tasks will be run.
If the constructor parameter pThrowAway is set to true, submitted tasks that are equivalent to an already running or queued task will be thrown out.
If pThrowAway is false, submitted tasks that are equivalent to a currently queued task will replace that queued task.
FoldingExecutor with pThrowAway set to FALSE Running Tasks: A1 B1 C1 Queued Tasks: D1 E1 F1
New submission: task D2
since D2 is equivalent to D1 (determined via hashCode and equals) D1 will be removed from the queue and replace by D2.
The resulting queue will look like: Queued Tasks: D2 E1 F1
Note: running tasks can not be replaced. So submitting A2 while A1 is running will just add A2 to the queue.
FoldingExecutor with pThrowAway set to TRUE If pThrowAway is true, new tasks are thrown away if an equivalent task is queued OR running.
@author Matt Crinklaw-Vogt