Package com.numb3r3.common.math.stat

Source Code of com.numb3r3.common.math.stat.Gaussian

package com.numb3r3.common.math.stat;

import com.numb3r3.common.math.Matrix;
import com.numb3r3.common.math.local.InMemoryJBlasMatrix;

* Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: numb3r3 Date: 13-3-18 Time: 上午10:45
* Function to compute the Gaussian pdf (probability density function) and the
* Gaussian cdf (cumulative density function) from:
public class Gaussian {
     * The constant 1 / sqrt(2 pi)
    public static final double PSI = 0.3989422804014327028632;

     * The constant - log( sqrt(2 pi) )
    public static final double logPSI = -0.9189385332046726695410;

     * Distribution type: undefined
    public static final int undefinedDistribution = 0;

     * Distribution type: noraml
    public static final int normalDistribution = 1;

     * Distribution type: chi-squared
    public static final int chisqDistribution = 2;

    private double mean = 0.0;
    private double sigma = 1.0;
    private Matrix mu = null;
    private Matrix cox = null;

    public Gaussian(double mean, double sigma) {
        this.mean = mean;
        this.sigma = sigma;

    public Gaussian(Matrix mu, Matrix cox) { = mu;
        this.cox = cox;

    public double sigma() {
        return sigma;

    public double mean() {
        return this.mean;

     * Returns the density of the standard normal.
     * @param x the quantile
     * @return the density
    public static double dnorm(double x) {
        return Math.exp(-x * x / 2.) * PSI;

     * Returns the density value of a standard normal.
     * @param x    the quantile
     * @param mean the mean of the normal distribution
     * @param sd   the standard deviation of the normal distribution.
     * @return the density
    public static double dnorm(double x, double mean, double sd) {
        if (sd <= 0.0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("standard deviation <= 0.0");
        return dnorm((x - mean) / sd);

     * Returns the log-density of the standard normal.
     * @param x the quantile
     * @return the density
    public static double dnormLog(double x) {
        return logPSI - x * x / 2.;

     * Returns the log-density value of a standard normal.
     * @param x    the quantile
     * @param mean the mean of the normal distribution
     * @param sd   the standard deviation of the normal distribution.
     * @return the density
    public static double dnormLog(double x, double mean, double sd) {
        if (sd <= 0.0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("standard deviation <= 0.0");
        return -Math.log(sd) + dnormLog((x - mean) / sd);

    /* return phi(x) = standard Gaussian pdf */
    public static double phi(double x) {
        return Math.exp(-x * x / 2) / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI);

    public static double mphi(Matrix value, Matrix mu, Matrix cox) {
        int k = value.getLength();
        double det = cox.det();

        double part1 = Math.exp(-0.5 * k * Math.log(2 * Math.PI));

        double part2 = Math.pow(det, -0.5);

        Matrix dev = value.sub(mu);

        double part3 = Math.exp(-0.5
                * (dev.transpose().product(cox.inverse())).dot(dev));
        return part1 * part2 * part3;


    public static double mphi(Matrix value, Matrix mu, Matrix cox, Matrix inv) {
        int k = value.getLength();
        double det = cox.det();

        double part1 = Math.exp(-0.5 * k * Math.log(2 * Math.PI));

        double part2 = Math.pow(det, -0.5);

        Matrix dev = value.sub(mu);

        double part3 = Math.exp(-0.5 * (dev.transpose().product(inv)).dot(dev));
        return part1 * part2 * part3;


    /* return phi(x, mu, signma) = Gaussian pdf with mean mu and stddev sigma */
    public static double phi(double x, double mu, double sigma) {
        return phi((x - mu) / sigma) / sigma;

    /* return Phi(z) = standard Gaussian cdf using Taylor approximation */
    public static double Phi(double z) {
        if (z < -8.0)
            return 0.0;
        if (z > 8.0)
            return 1.0;
        double sum = 0.0, term = z;
        for (int i = 3; sum + term != sum; i += 2) {
            sum = sum + term;
            term = term * z * z / i;
        return 0.5 + sum * phi(z);

    /* return Phi(z, mu, sigma) = Gaussian cdf with mean mu and stddev sigma */
    public static double Phi(double z, double mu, double sigma) {
        return Phi((z - mu) / sigma);

    /* Compute z such that Phi(z) = y via bisection search */
    public static double PhiInverse(double y) {
        return PhiInverse(y, .00000001, -8, 8);

    /* bisection search */
    private static double PhiInverse(double y, double delta, double lo,
                                     double hi) {
        double mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
        if (hi - lo < delta)
            return mid;
        if (Phi(mid) > y)
            return PhiInverse(y, delta, lo, mid);
            return PhiInverse(y, delta, mid, hi);

    public static Matrix oneCox(int k) {
        Matrix cox = InMemoryJBlasMatrix.eye(k);

        return null;

    public static Matrix sample(Matrix mu, Matrix Sigma) {
        Matrix values = InMemoryJBlasMatrix.randn(mu.getRowsNum());
        return mu.add(Sigma.product(values));

    public static double sample(double mean, double stddev) {
        return RandomUtil.gaussian(mean, stddev);

    public static double hellinger_distance(Gaussian g1, Gaussian g2) {
        double distance = 1.0;
        double sigma1 = g1.sigma();
        double sigma2 = g2.sigma();
        double mean1 = g1.mean();
        double mean2 = g2.mean();
        double diff = mean1 - mean2;
        distance -= Math.sqrt((2.0 * sigma1 * sigma2)
                / (sigma1 * sigma1 + sigma2 * sigma2))
                * Math.exp(-0.25
                * ((diff * diff) / (sigma1 * sigma1 + sigma2 * sigma2)));
        return distance;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 2.1, 3.5, 8. , 9.5
        Matrix x = InMemoryJBlasMatrix.randn(4);
        x.put(0, 0, 2.1);
        x.put(1, 0, 3.5);
        x.put(2, 0, 8.0);
        x.put(3, 0, 9.5);

        Matrix mu = InMemoryJBlasMatrix.zeros(4);
        mu.put(0, 0, 2.0);
        mu.put(1, 0, 3.0);
        mu.put(2, 0, 8.0);
        mu.put(3, 0, 10.0);

        Matrix Sigma = InMemoryJBlasMatrix.eye(4);
        Sigma.put(0, 0, 2.3);
        Sigma.put(1, 1, 1.5);
        Sigma.put(2, 2, 1.7);
        Sigma.put(3, 3, 2.0);

        System.out.println("Det: " + Sigma.det());
        System.out.println("Normal density: " + Gaussian.mphi(x, mu, Sigma));
        // System.out.println("PDF: " + Gaussian.pdf());

        double y = 0.1;
        double mean = 1.5;
        double sig = 2.0;
        System.out.println("NORM: " + Gaussian.phi(y, mean, sig));


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