Example scope from OpenID Connect indicating access to the user's email and profile details:
Scope scope = new Scope(); scope.add(OIDCScopeValue.OPENID); scope.add(OIDCScopeValue.EMAIL); scope.add(OIDCScopeValue.PROFILE);
Related specifications:
try { return JWTParser.parse(content); } catch (java.text.ParseException e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
try { return new URI(getGeneric(o, key, String.class)); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
try { return new URL(getGeneric(o, key, String.class)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
return new InternetAddress(getGeneric(o, key, String.class), strict); } catch (AddressException e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
try { return list.toArray(new String[0]); } catch (ArrayStoreException e) { throw new ParseException("JSON object member with key \"" + key + "\" is not an array of strings"); } }
try { set.add((String)item); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException("JSON object member wit key \"" + key + "\" is not an array of strings"); } } return set;
*/ public static void ensureContentType(final ContentType expected, final ContentType found) throws ParseException { if (found == null) throw new ParseException("Missing HTTP Content-Type header"); if (! expected.match(found)) throw new ParseException("The HTTP Content-Type header must be " + expected); }
public void testParseError() throws Exception { URI redirectURI = new URI("https://example.com/in"); ResponseType rt = new ResponseType(ResponseType.Value.CODE); State state = new State("xyz"); AuthenticationErrorResponse errorResponse = new AuthenticationErrorResponse(redirectURI, OAuth2Error.ACCESS_DENIED, rt, state); HTTPResponse httpResponse = errorResponse.toHTTPResponse();
public void testResolveSimple() throws Exception { Scope scope = Scope.parse("openid"); ClaimsRequest cr = ClaimsRequest.resolve(ResponseType.parse("code"), scope); System.out.println("Claims request for scope openid: " + cr.toJSONObject());
public void testResolveToUserInfo() throws Exception { Scope scope = Scope.parse("openid email profile phone address"); ClaimsRequest cr = ClaimsRequest.resolve(ResponseType.parse("code"), scope); System.out.println("Claims request for scope openid email profile phone address: " + cr.toJSONObject());