/// tell it about our data model.
FastBlobStateEngine stateEngine = new FastBlobStateEngine(new ExampleSerializerFactory());
/// we need to create a FastBlobReader, which is responsible for reading
/// serialized blobs.
FastBlobReader reader = new FastBlobReader(stateEngine);
/// get a stream from the snapshot file location
ByteArrayInputStream snapshotStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(snapshot);
/// get a stream from the delta file location
ByteArrayInputStream deltaStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(delta);
try {
/// first read the snapshot
/// then apply the delta
} catch (IOException e) {
/// either of these methods throws an exception if the FastBlobReader
/// is unable to read from the provided stream.
} finally {
/// it is your responsibility to close the streams. The FastBlobReader will not do this.