if (isTree(aGraph))
mxGraphProperties.setDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), false);
final ArrayList<Object> bFSList = new ArrayList<Object>();
mxGraph graph = aGraph.getGraph();
final mxIGraphModel model = graph.getModel();
Object parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
mxTraversal.bfs(aGraph, startVertex, new mxICellVisitor()
public boolean visit(Object vertex, Object edge)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < bFSList.size(); i++)
Object parentVertex = bFSList.get(i);
Object currEdges[] = aGraph.getEdges(parentVertex, parent, true, true, false, true);
Object[] neighbors = aGraph.getOpposites(currEdges, parentVertex, true, true);
for (int j = 0; j < neighbors.length; j++)
Object currVertex = neighbors[j];
int childIndex = bFSList.indexOf(currVertex);
if (childIndex > i)
//parentVertex is parent of currVertex, so the edge must be directed from parentVertex to currVertex
// but we need to find the connecting edge first
Object currEdge = getConnectingEdge(aGraph, parentVertex, currVertex);
model.setTerminal(currEdge, parentVertex, true);
model.setTerminal(currEdge, currVertex, false);
mxGraphProperties.setDirected(aGraph.getProperties(), true);