DBObject query = queryBuilder.get();
long start = start();
try {
DBCursor cursor = dbCollection.find(query).sort(BY_ID_ASC);
List<T> list;
try {
list = new ArrayList<T>();
for (int i = 0; i < limit && cursor.hasNext(); i++) {
DBObject o = cursor.next();
T doc = convertFromDBObject(collection, o);
if (collection == Collection.NODES && doc != null) {
String id = doc.getId();
Lock lock = getAndLock(id);
CacheValue cacheKey = new StringValue(id);
try {
// do not overwrite document in cache if the
// existing one in the cache is newer
NodeDocument cached = nodesCache.getIfPresent(cacheKey);
if (cached != null && cached != NodeDocument.NULL) {
// check mod count
Number cachedModCount = cached.getModCount();
Number modCount = doc.getModCount();
if (cachedModCount == null || modCount == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Missing " + Document.MOD_COUNT);
if (modCount.longValue() > cachedModCount.longValue()) {
nodesCache.put(cacheKey, (NodeDocument) doc);
} else {
nodesCache.put(cacheKey, (NodeDocument) doc);
} finally {
} finally {
return list;
} finally {
end("query", start);