public void ensureCaps() {
for (final MappedClass mc : mapper.getMappedClasses()) {
if (mc.getEntityAnnotation() != null && mc.getEntityAnnotation().cap().value() > 0) {
final CappedAt cap = mc.getEntityAnnotation().cap();
final String collName = mapper.getCollectionName(mc.getClazz());
final BasicDBObjectBuilder dbCapOpts = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("capped", true);
if (cap.value() > 0) {
dbCapOpts.add("size", cap.value());
if (cap.count() > 0) {
dbCapOpts.add("max", cap.count());
final DB database = getDB();
if (database.getCollectionNames().contains(collName)) {
final DBObject dbResult = database.command(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("collstats", collName).get());
if (dbResult.containsField("capped")) {
// TODO: check the cap options.
LOG.warning("DBCollection already exists is capped already; doing nothing. " + dbResult);
} else {
LOG.warning("DBCollection already exists with same name(" + collName
+ ") and is not capped; not creating capped version!");
} else {
getDB().createCollection(collName, dbCapOpts.get());
LOG.debug("Created capped DBCollection (" + collName + ") with opts " + dbCapOpts);