throws APIException
// Store a list of files that were added to the repository
List<ScmFile> filesAdded = new ArrayList<ScmFile>();
Command siViewNonMem = new Command( Command.SI, "viewnonmembers" );
siViewNonMem.addOption( new Option( "recurse" ) );
if ( null != exclude && exclude.length() > 0 )
siViewNonMem.addOption( new Option( "exclude", exclude ) );
if ( null != include && include.length() > 0 )
siViewNonMem.addOption( new Option( "include", include ) );
siViewNonMem.addOption( new Option( "noincludeFormers" ) );
siViewNonMem.addOption( new Option( "cwd", sandboxDir ) );
Response response = api.runCommand( siViewNonMem );
for ( WorkItemIterator wit = response.getWorkItems(); wit.hasNext(); )
new ScmFile( "absolutepath" ).getValueAsString(), ScmFileStatus.ADDED ) );