Package com.mks.api

Examples of com.mks.api.Command

    public Response lock( File memberFile, String relativeName )
        throws APIException
        // Setup the lock command
        api.getLogger().debug( "Locking member: " + memberFile.getAbsolutePath() );
        Command siLock = new Command( Command.SI, "lock" );
        siLock.addOption( new Option( "revision", ":member" ) );
        siLock.addOption( new Option( "cpid", cpid ) );
        siLock.addOption( new Option( "cwd", memberFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() ) );
        siLock.addSelection( relativeName );
        // Execute the lock command
        return api.runCommand( siLock );
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    public Response unlock( File memberFile, String relativeName )
        throws APIException
        // Setup the unlock command
        api.getLogger().debug( "Unlocking member: " + memberFile.getAbsolutePath() );
        Command siUnlock = new Command( Command.SI, "unlock" );
        siUnlock.addOption( new Option( "revision", ":member" ) );
        siUnlock.addOption( new Option( "action", "remove" ) );
        siUnlock.addOption( new Option( "cwd", memberFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() ) );
        siUnlock.addSelection( relativeName );
        // Execute the unlock command
        return api.runCommand( siUnlock );
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        File project = new File( siProject.getProjectName() );
        File sandboxpj = new File( sandboxDir + fs + project.getName() );

        // Check to see if the sandbox file already exists and its OK to use
        api.getLogger().debug( "Sandbox Project File: " + sandboxpj.getAbsolutePath() );
        Command cmd = new Command( Command.SI, "dropsandbox" );
        cmd.addOption( new Option( "delete", "members" ) );
        cmd.addOption( new Option( "sandbox", sandboxpj.getAbsolutePath() ) );
        cmd.addOption( new Option( "cwd", sandboxDir ) );
        return api.runCommand( cmd );
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                "Creating Sandbox in " + sandboxDir + " for project " + siProject.getConfigurationPath() );
                Command cmd = new Command( Command.SI, "createsandbox" );
                cmd.addOption( new Option( "recurse" ) );
                cmd.addOption( new Option( "nopopulate" ) );
                cmd.addOption( new Option( "project", siProject.getConfigurationPath() ) );
                cmd.addOption( new Option( "cwd", sandboxDir ) );
                api.runCommand( cmd );
            catch ( APIException aex )
                // Check to see if this exception is due an existing sandbox registry entry
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    public Response resync()
        throws APIException
            "Resynchronizing Sandbox in " + sandboxDir + " for project " + siProject.getConfigurationPath() );
        Command cmd = new Command( Command.SI, "resync" );
        cmd.addOption( new Option( "recurse" ) );
        cmd.addOption( new Option( "populate" ) );
        cmd.addOption( new Option( "cwd", sandboxDir ) );
        return api.runCommand( cmd );
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    public Response makeWriteable()
        throws APIException
            "Setting files to writeable in " + sandboxDir + " for project " + siProject.getConfigurationPath() );
        Command cmd = new Command( Command.SI, "makewritable" );
        cmd.addOption( new Option( "recurse" ) );
        cmd.addOption( new Option( "cwd", sandboxDir ) );
        return api.runCommand( cmd );
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    public Response revertMembers()
        throws APIException
            "Reverting changes in sandbox " + sandboxDir + " for project " + siProject.getConfigurationPath() );
        Command cmd = new Command( Command.SI, "revert" );
        cmd.addOption( new Option( "recurse" ) );
        cmd.addOption( new Option( "cwd", sandboxDir ) );
        return api.runCommand( cmd );
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    public List<ScmFile> getNewMembers( String exclude, String include )
        throws APIException
        // Store a list of files that were added to the repository
        List<ScmFile> filesAdded = new ArrayList<ScmFile>();
        Command siViewNonMem = new Command( Command.SI, "viewnonmembers" );
        siViewNonMem.addOption( new Option( "recurse" ) );
        if ( null != exclude && exclude.length() > 0 )
            siViewNonMem.addOption( new Option( "exclude", exclude ) );
        if ( null != include && include.length() > 0 )
            siViewNonMem.addOption( new Option( "include", include ) );
        siViewNonMem.addOption( new Option( "noincludeFormers" ) );
        siViewNonMem.addOption( new Option( "cwd", sandboxDir ) );
        Response response = api.runCommand( siViewNonMem );
        for ( WorkItemIterator wit = response.getWorkItems(); wit.hasNext(); )
                new ScmFile( "absolutepath" ).getValueAsString(), ScmFileStatus.ADDED ) );
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        throws APIException
        // Store a list of files that were changed/removed to the repository
        List<WorkItem> changedFiles = new ArrayList<WorkItem>();
        // Setup the view sandbox command to figure out what has changed...
        Command siViewSandbox = new Command( Command.SI, "viewsandbox" );
        // Create the --fields option
        MultiValue mv = new MultiValue( "," );
        mv.add( "name" );
        mv.add( "context" );
        mv.add( "wfdelta" );
        mv.add( "memberarchive" );
        siViewSandbox.addOption( new Option( "fields", mv ) );
        siViewSandbox.addOption( new Option( "recurse" ) );
        siViewSandbox.addOption( new Option( "noincludeDropped" ) );
        siViewSandbox.addOption( new Option( "filterSubs" ) );
        siViewSandbox.addOption( new Option( "cwd", sandboxDir ) );

        // Run the view sandbox command
        Response r = api.runCommand( siViewSandbox );
        // Check-in all changed files, drop all members with missing working files
        for ( WorkItemIterator wit = r.getWorkItems(); wit.hasNext(); )
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    public Response createSubproject( String dirPath )
        throws APIException
        // Setup the create subproject command
        api.getLogger().debug( "Creating subprojects for: " + dirPath + "/project.pj" );
        Command siCreateSubproject = new Command( Command.SI, "createsubproject" );
        siCreateSubproject.addOption( new Option( "cpid", cpid ) );
        siCreateSubproject.addOption( new Option( "createSubprojects" ) );
        siCreateSubproject.addOption( new Option( "cwd", sandboxDir ) );
        siCreateSubproject.addSelection( dirPath + "/project.pj" );
        // Execute the create subproject command
        return api.runCommand( siCreateSubproject );
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Related Classes of com.mks.api.Command

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