FutureCallback<RestResponse> futureCallback = new FutureCallback<RestResponse>();
TransportCallback<RestResponse> callback =
new TransportCallbackAdapter<RestResponse>(futureCallback);
TransportCallback<RestResponse> bridgeCallback = HttpBridge.httpToRestCallback(callback);
RestResponse restResponse = new RestResponseBuilder().build();
// Note: FutureCallback will fail if called twice. An exception would be raised on the current
// thread because we begin the callback sequence here in onResponse.
// (test originally added due to bug with double callback invocation)
bridgeCallback.onResponse(TransportResponseImpl.<RestResponse> error(new RestException(restResponse)));
RestResponse resp = futureCallback.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// should have unpacked restResponse from the RestException that we passed in without
// propagating the actual exception
Assert.assertSame(resp, restResponse);