Package com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.iterator

Examples of com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.iterator.RandomIter

        } else {
            lpad = rpad = tpad = bpad = 0;

        int minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
        RandomIter iter;
        if(extender != null) {
            minX = src.getMinX();
            maxX = src.getMaxX();
            minY = src.getMinY();
            maxY = src.getMaxY();
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(src.getMinX() - lpad,
                                             src.getMinY() - tpad,
                                             src.getWidth() + lpad + rpad,
                                             src.getHeight() + tpad + bpad);
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src.getExtendedData(bounds,
        } else {
            minX = src.getMinX() + lpad;
            maxX = src.getMaxX() - rpad;
            minY = src.getMinY() + tpad;
            maxY = src.getMaxY() - bpad;
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src, src.getBounds());

        int kwidth = interp.getWidth();
        int kheight = interp.getHeight();

        int dstWidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dstHeight = dst.getHeight();
        int dstBands = dst.getNumBands();

        int lineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();
        int pixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int[] bandOffsets = dst.getBandOffsets();
        float[][] data = dst.getFloatDataArrays();

        float[] warpData = new float[2 * dstWidth];

        float[][] samples = new float[kheight][kwidth];

        int lineOffset = 0;

        float[] backgroundFloat = new float[dstBands];
  for (int i = 0; i < dstBands; i++)
      backgroundFloat[i] = (float)backgroundValues[i];

        for (int h = 0; h < dstHeight; h++) {
            int pixelOffset = lineOffset;
            lineOffset += lineStride;

            warp.warpRect(dst.getX(), dst.getY()+h, dstWidth, 1, warpData);

            int count = 0;
            for (int w = 0; w < dstWidth; w++) {
                float sx = warpData[count++];
                float sy = warpData[count++];

                int xint = floor(sx);
                int yint = floor(sy);
                float xfrac = sx - xint;
                float yfrac = sy - yint;

                if (xint < minX || xint >= maxX ||
                    yint < minY || yint >= maxY) {
                    /* Fill with a background color. */
                    if (setBackground) {
                        for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                            data[b][pixelOffset+bandOffsets[b]] =
                } else {
                    xint -= lpad;
                    yint -= tpad;

                    for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < kheight; j++) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < kwidth; i++) {
                                samples[j][i] = iter.getSampleFloat(
                                    xint+i, yint+j, b);

                        data[b][pixelOffset+bandOffsets[b]] =
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        } else {
            lpad = rpad = tpad = bpad = 0;

        int minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
        RandomIter iter;
        if(extender != null) {
            minX = src.getMinX();
            maxX = src.getMaxX();
            minY = src.getMinY();
            maxY = src.getMaxY();
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(src.getMinX() - lpad,
                                             src.getMinY() - tpad,
                                             src.getWidth() + lpad + rpad,
                                             src.getHeight() + tpad + bpad);
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src.getExtendedData(bounds,
        } else {
            minX = src.getMinX() + lpad;
            maxX = src.getMaxX() - rpad;
            minY = src.getMinY() + tpad;
            maxY = src.getMaxY() - bpad;
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src, src.getBounds());

        int kwidth = interp.getWidth();
        int kheight = interp.getHeight();

        int dstWidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dstHeight = dst.getHeight();
        int dstBands = dst.getNumBands();

        int lineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();
        int pixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int[] bandOffsets = dst.getBandOffsets();
        double[][] data = dst.getDoubleDataArrays();

        float[] warpData = new float[2 * dstWidth];

        double[][] samples = new double[kheight][kwidth];

        int lineOffset = 0;

        for (int h = 0; h < dstHeight; h++) {
            int pixelOffset = lineOffset;
            lineOffset += lineStride;

            warp.warpRect(dst.getX(), dst.getY()+h, dstWidth, 1, warpData);

            int count = 0;
            for (int w = 0; w < dstWidth; w++) {
                float sx = warpData[count++];
                float sy = warpData[count++];

                int xint = floor(sx);
                int yint = floor(sy);
                float xfrac = sx - xint;
                float yfrac = sy - yint;

                if (xint < minX || xint >= maxX ||
                    yint < minY || yint >= maxY) {
                    /* Fill with a background color. */
                    if (setBackground) {
                        for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                            data[b][pixelOffset+bandOffsets[b]] =
                } else {
                    xint -= lpad;
                    yint -= tpad;

                    for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < kheight; j++) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < kwidth; i++) {
                                samples[j][i] = iter.getSampleDouble(
                                    xint+i, yint+j, b);

                        data[b][pixelOffset+bandOffsets[b]] =
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        Rectangle rect = source.getBounds();

        if (roi != null)
            rect = roi.getBounds();

        RandomIter iterator = RandomIterFactory.create(source, rect);

        int samplefac = xPeriod * yPeriod;
        int startX = rect.x / xPeriod;
        int startY = rect.y / yPeriod;
        int offsetX = rect.x % xPeriod;
        int offsetY = rect.y % yPeriod;
        int pixelsPerLine = (rect.width - 1) / xPeriod + 1;
        int numSamples =
            pixelsPerLine * ((rect.height - 1) / yPeriod + 1);

        if (numSamples < minpicturebytes)
            samplefac = 1;

        alphadec = 30 + ((samplefac - 1) / 3);
        int pix = 0;

        int delta = numSamples / ncycles;
        int alpha = initalpha;
        int radius = initradius;

        int rad = radius >> radiusbiasshift;
        if (rad <= 1)
            rad = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < rad; i++)
            radpower[i] = alpha * (((rad * rad - i * i) * radbias) / (rad * rad));

        int step;
        if (numSamples < minpicturebytes)
            step = 3;
        else if ((numSamples % prime1) != 0)
            step = 3 * prime1;
        else {
            if ((numSamples % prime2) != 0)
                step = 3 * prime2;
            else {
                if ((numSamples % prime3) != 0)
                    step = 3 * prime3;
                    step = 3 * prime4;

        int[] pixel = new int[3];

        for (int i = 0; i < numSamples;) {
            int y = (pix / pixelsPerLine + startY) * yPeriod + offsetY;
            int x = (pix % pixelsPerLine + startX) * xPeriod + offsetX;

            try {
            iterator.getPixel(x, y, pixel);
            } catch (Exception e) {

            int b = pixel[2] << netbiasshift;
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    private void computeRectByte(PlanarImage src, RasterAccessor dst) {
        RandomIter iter;
        if(extender != null) {
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(src.getMinX(), src.getMinY(),
                                             src.getWidth() + 1,
                                             src.getHeight() + 1);
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src.getExtendedData(bounds,
        } else {
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src, src.getBounds());

        int minX = src.getMinX();
        int maxX = src.getMaxX() -
            (extender != null ? 0 : 1); // Right padding
        int minY = src.getMinY();
        int maxY = src.getMaxY() -
            (extender != null ? 0 : 1); // Bottom padding

        int dstWidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dstHeight = dst.getHeight();
        int dstBands = dst.getNumBands();

        int lineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();
        int pixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int[] bandOffsets = dst.getBandOffsets();
        byte[][] data = dst.getByteDataArrays();

        float[] warpData = new float[2 * dstWidth];

        int lineOffset = 0;

  byte[] backgroundByte = new byte[dstBands];
  for (int i = 0; i < dstBands; i++)
      backgroundByte[i] = (byte)backgroundValues[i];

        if (ctable == null) {  // source does not have IndexColorModel
            for (int h = 0; h < dstHeight; h++) {
                int pixelOffset = lineOffset;
                lineOffset += lineStride;

                warp.warpRect(dst.getX(), dst.getY()+h, dstWidth, 1,
                int count = 0;
                for (int w = 0; w < dstWidth; w++) {
                    float sx = warpData[count++];
                    float sy = warpData[count++];

                    int xint = floor(sx);
                    int yint = floor(sy);
                    float xfrac = sx - xint;
                    float yfrac = sy - yint;

                    if (xint < minX || xint >= maxX ||
                        yint < minY || yint >= maxY) {
                        /* Fill with a background color. */
                        if (setBackground) {
                            for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                                data[b][pixelOffset+bandOffsets[b]] =
                    } else {
                        for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                            int s00 = iter.getSample(xint, yint, b) & 0xFF;
                            int s01 = iter.getSample(xint+1, yint, b) & 0xFF;
                            int s10 = iter.getSample(xint, yint+1, b) & 0xFF;
                            int s11 = iter.getSample(xint+1, yint+1, b) & 0xFF;

                            float s0 = (s01 - s00) * xfrac + s00;
                            float s1 = (s11 - s10) * xfrac + s10;
                            float s = (s1 - s0) * yfrac + s0;

                            data[b][pixelOffset+bandOffsets[b]] = (byte)s;

                    pixelOffset += pixelStride;
        } else // source has IndexColorModel
            for (int h = 0; h < dstHeight; h++) {
                int pixelOffset = lineOffset;
                lineOffset += lineStride;

                warp.warpRect(dst.getX(), dst.getY()+h, dstWidth, 1,
                int count = 0;
                for (int w = 0; w < dstWidth; w++) {
                    float sx = warpData[count++];
                    float sy = warpData[count++];

                    int xint = floor(sx);
                    int yint = floor(sy);
                    float xfrac = sx - xint;
                    float yfrac = sy - yint;

                    if (xint < minX || xint >= maxX ||
                        yint < minY || yint >= maxY) {
                        /* Fill with a background color. */
                        if (setBackground) {
                            for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                                data[b][pixelOffset+bandOffsets[b]] =
                    } else {
                        for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                            byte[] t = ctable[b];

                            int s00 = t[iter.getSample(xint, yint, 0) &
                                                       0xFF] & 0xFF;
                            int s01 = t[iter.getSample(xint+1, yint, 0) &
                                                       0xFF] & 0xFF;
                            int s10 = t[iter.getSample(xint, yint+1, 0) &
                                                       0xFF] & 0xFF;
                            int s11 = t[iter.getSample(xint+1, yint+1, 0) &
                                                       0xFF] & 0xFF;

                            float s0 = (s01 - s00) * xfrac + s00;
                            float s1 = (s11 - s10) * xfrac + s10;
                            float s = (s1 - s0) * yfrac + s0;
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    private void computeRectUShort(PlanarImage src, RasterAccessor dst) {
        RandomIter iter;
        if(extender != null) {
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(src.getMinX(), src.getMinY(),
                                             src.getWidth() + 1,
                                             src.getHeight() + 1);
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src.getExtendedData(bounds,
        } else {
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src, src.getBounds());

        int minX = src.getMinX();
        int maxX = src.getMaxX() -
            (extender != null ? 0 : 1); // Right padding
        int minY = src.getMinY();
        int maxY = src.getMaxY() -
            (extender != null ? 0 : 1); // Bottom padding

        int dstWidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dstHeight = dst.getHeight();
        int dstBands = dst.getNumBands();

        int lineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();
        int pixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int[] bandOffsets = dst.getBandOffsets();
        short[][] data = dst.getShortDataArrays();

        float[] warpData = new float[2 * dstWidth];

        int lineOffset = 0;

  short[] backgroundUShort = new short[dstBands];
  for (int i = 0; i < dstBands; i++)
      backgroundUShort[i] = (short)backgroundValues[i];

        for (int h = 0; h < dstHeight; h++) {
            int pixelOffset = lineOffset;
            lineOffset += lineStride;

            warp.warpRect(dst.getX(), dst.getY()+h, dstWidth, 1,
            int count = 0;
            for (int w = 0; w < dstWidth; w++) {
                float sx = warpData[count++];
                float sy = warpData[count++];

                int xint = floor(sx);
                int yint = floor(sy);
                float xfrac = sx - xint;
                float yfrac = sy - yint;

                if (xint < minX || xint >= maxX ||
                    yint < minY || yint >= maxY) {
                    /* Fill with a background color. */
                    if (setBackground) {
                        for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                            data[b][pixelOffset+bandOffsets[b]] =
                } else {
                    for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                        int s00 = iter.getSample(xint, yint, b) & 0xFFFF;
                        int s01 = iter.getSample(xint+1, yint, b) & 0xFFFF;
                        int s10 = iter.getSample(xint, yint+1, b) & 0xFFFF;
                        int s11 = iter.getSample(xint+1, yint+1, b) & 0xFFFF;

                        float s0 = (s01 - s00) * xfrac + s00;
                        float s1 = (s11 - s10) * xfrac + s10;
                        float s = (s1 - s0) * yfrac + s0;

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    private void computeRectShort(PlanarImage src, RasterAccessor dst) {
        RandomIter iter;
        if(extender != null) {
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(src.getMinX(), src.getMinY(),
                                             src.getWidth() + 1,
                                             src.getHeight() + 1);
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src.getExtendedData(bounds,
        } else {
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src, src.getBounds());

        int minX = src.getMinX();
        int maxX = src.getMaxX() -
            (extender != null ? 0 : 1); // Right padding
        int minY = src.getMinY();
        int maxY = src.getMaxY() -
            (extender != null ? 0 : 1); // Bottom padding

        int dstWidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dstHeight = dst.getHeight();
        int dstBands = dst.getNumBands();

        int lineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();
        int pixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int[] bandOffsets = dst.getBandOffsets();
        short[][] data = dst.getShortDataArrays();

        float[] warpData = new float[2 * dstWidth];

        int lineOffset = 0;

        short[] backgroundShort = new short[dstBands];
  for (int i = 0; i < dstBands; i++)
      backgroundShort[i] = (short)backgroundValues[i];

        for (int h = 0; h < dstHeight; h++) {
            int pixelOffset = lineOffset;
            lineOffset += lineStride;

            warp.warpRect(dst.getX(), dst.getY()+h, dstWidth, 1,
            int count = 0;
            for (int w = 0; w < dstWidth; w++) {
                float sx = warpData[count++];
                float sy = warpData[count++];

                int xint = floor(sx);
                int yint = floor(sy);
                float xfrac = sx - xint;
                float yfrac = sy - yint;

                if (xint < minX || xint >= maxX ||
                    yint < minY || yint >= maxY) {
                    /* Fill with a background color. */
                    if (setBackground) {
                        for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                            data[b][pixelOffset+bandOffsets[b]] =
                } else {
                    for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                        int s00 = iter.getSample(xint, yint, b);
                        int s01 = iter.getSample(xint+1, yint, b);
                        int s10 = iter.getSample(xint, yint+1, b);
                        int s11 = iter.getSample(xint+1, yint+1, b);

                        float s0 = (s01 - s00) * xfrac + s00;
                        float s1 = (s11 - s10) * xfrac + s10;
                        float s = (s1 - s0) * yfrac + s0;

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    private void computeRectInt(PlanarImage src, RasterAccessor dst) {
        RandomIter iter;
        if(extender != null) {
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(src.getMinX(), src.getMinY(),
                                             src.getWidth() + 1,
                                             src.getHeight() + 1);
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src.getExtendedData(bounds,
        } else {
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src, src.getBounds());

        int minX = src.getMinX();
        int maxX = src.getMaxX() -
            (extender != null ? 0 : 1); // Right padding
        int minY = src.getMinY();
        int maxY = src.getMaxY() -
            (extender != null ? 0 : 1); // Bottom padding

        int dstWidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dstHeight = dst.getHeight();
        int dstBands = dst.getNumBands();

        int lineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();
        int pixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int[] bandOffsets = dst.getBandOffsets();
        int[][] data = dst.getIntDataArrays();

        float[] warpData = new float[2 * dstWidth];

        int lineOffset = 0;

  int[] backgroundInt = new int[dstBands];
  for (int i = 0; i < dstBands; i++)
      backgroundInt[i] = (int)backgroundValues[i];

        for (int h = 0; h < dstHeight; h++) {
            int pixelOffset = lineOffset;
            lineOffset += lineStride;

            warp.warpRect(dst.getX(), dst.getY()+h, dstWidth, 1,
            int count = 0;
            for (int w = 0; w < dstWidth; w++) {
                float sx = warpData[count++];
                float sy = warpData[count++];

                int xint = floor(sx);
                int yint = floor(sy);
                float xfrac = sx - xint;
                float yfrac = sy - yint;

                if (xint < minX || xint >= maxX ||
                    yint < minY || yint >= maxY) {
                    /* Fill with a background color. */
                    if (setBackground) {
                        for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                            data[b][pixelOffset+bandOffsets[b]] =
                } else {
                    for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                        int s00 = iter.getSample(xint, yint, b);
                        int s01 = iter.getSample(xint+1, yint, b);
                        int s10 = iter.getSample(xint, yint+1, b);
                        int s11 = iter.getSample(xint+1, yint+1, b);

                        float s0 = (s01 - s00) * xfrac + s00;
                        float s1 = (s11 - s10) * xfrac + s10;
                        float s = (s1 - s0) * yfrac + s0;

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    private void computeRectFloat(PlanarImage src, RasterAccessor dst) {
        RandomIter iter;
        if(extender != null) {
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(src.getMinX(), src.getMinY(),
                                             src.getWidth() + 1,
                                             src.getHeight() + 1);
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src.getExtendedData(bounds,
        } else {
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src, src.getBounds());

        int minX = src.getMinX();
        int maxX = src.getMaxX() -
            (extender != null ? 0 : 1); // Right padding
        int minY = src.getMinY();
        int maxY = src.getMaxY() -
            (extender != null ? 0 : 1); // Bottom padding

        int dstWidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dstHeight = dst.getHeight();
        int dstBands = dst.getNumBands();

        int lineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();
        int pixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int[] bandOffsets = dst.getBandOffsets();
        float[][] data = dst.getFloatDataArrays();

        float[] warpData = new float[2 * dstWidth];

        int lineOffset = 0;

  float[] backgroundFloat = new float[dstBands];
  for (int i = 0; i < dstBands; i++)
      backgroundFloat[i] = (float)backgroundValues[i];

        for (int h = 0; h < dstHeight; h++) {
            int pixelOffset = lineOffset;
            lineOffset += lineStride;

            warp.warpRect(dst.getX(), dst.getY()+h, dstWidth, 1,
            int count = 0;
            for (int w = 0; w < dstWidth; w++) {
                float sx = warpData[count++];
                float sy = warpData[count++];

                int xint = floor(sx);
                int yint = floor(sy);
                float xfrac = sx - xint;
                float yfrac = sy - yint;

                if (xint < minX || xint >= maxX ||
                    yint < minY || yint >= maxY) {
                    /* Fill with a background color. */
                    if (setBackground) {
                        for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                            data[b][pixelOffset+bandOffsets[b]] =
                } else {
                    for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                        float s00 = iter.getSampleFloat(xint, yint, b);
                        float s01 = iter.getSampleFloat(xint+1, yint, b);
                        float s10 = iter.getSampleFloat(xint, yint+1, b);
                        float s11 = iter.getSampleFloat(xint+1, yint+1, b);

                        float s0 = (s01 - s00) * xfrac + s00;
                        float s1 = (s11 - s10) * xfrac + s10;
                        float s = (s1 - s0) * yfrac + s0;

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    private void computeRectDouble(PlanarImage src, RasterAccessor dst) {
        RandomIter iter;
        if(extender != null) {
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(src.getMinX(), src.getMinY(),
                                             src.getWidth() + 1,
                                             src.getHeight() + 1);
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src.getExtendedData(bounds,
        } else {
            iter = RandomIterFactory.create(src, src.getBounds());

        int minX = src.getMinX();
        int maxX = src.getMaxX() -
            (extender != null ? 0 : 1); // Right padding
        int minY = src.getMinY();
        int maxY = src.getMaxY() -
            (extender != null ? 0 : 1); // Bottom padding

        int dstWidth = dst.getWidth();
        int dstHeight = dst.getHeight();
        int dstBands = dst.getNumBands();

        int lineStride = dst.getScanlineStride();
        int pixelStride = dst.getPixelStride();
        int[] bandOffsets = dst.getBandOffsets();
        double[][] data = dst.getDoubleDataArrays();

        float[] warpData = new float[2 * dstWidth];

        int lineOffset = 0;

        for (int h = 0; h < dstHeight; h++) {
            int pixelOffset = lineOffset;
            lineOffset += lineStride;

            warp.warpRect(dst.getX(), dst.getY()+h, dstWidth, 1,
            int count = 0;
            for (int w = 0; w < dstWidth; w++) {
                float sx = warpData[count++];
                float sy = warpData[count++];

                int xint = floor(sx);
                int yint = floor(sy);
                float xfrac = sx - xint;
                float yfrac = sy - yint;

                if (xint < minX || xint >= maxX ||
                    yint < minY || yint >= maxY) {
                    /* Fill with a background color. */
                    if (setBackground) {
                        for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                            data[b][pixelOffset+bandOffsets[b]] =
                } else {
                    for (int b = 0; b < dstBands; b++) {
                        double s00 = iter.getSampleDouble(xint, yint, b);
                        double s01 = iter.getSampleDouble(xint+1, yint, b);
                        double s10 = iter.getSampleDouble(xint, yint+1, b);
                        double s11 = iter.getSampleDouble(xint+1, yint+1, b);

                        double s0 = (s01 - s00) * xfrac + s00;
                        double s1 = (s11 - s10) * xfrac + s10;
                        double s = (s1 - s0) * yfrac + s0;

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