A non-visual builder that assists you in building consistent button stacks using the {@link FormLayout}.
This builder sets a hint for narrow margin for the gridded buttons. This can reduce the button stack's width if some buttons have long texts. For example, a stack with 'OK', 'Cancel', 'Configure…' will likely exceed the minimum button width. The narrow margins help getting narrow stacks. Note that some look&feels do not support the narrow margin feature, and conversely, others have only narrow margins. The JGoodies look&feels honor the setting, the Mac Aqua l&f uses narrow margins all the time.
The following example builds a button stack with Close, Up and Down, where Up and Down are related, and Close is not related to the other buttons, which makes a wide gap for the unrelated and a smaller gap for the related buttons.
private JPanel createCloseUpDownButtonStack( JButton close, JButton up, JButton down) { ButtonStackBuilder builder = new ButtonStackBuilder(); builder.addGridded(close); builder.addUnrelatedGap(); builder.addGridded(up); builder.addRelatedGap(); builder.addGridded(down); return builder.getPanel(); }
@author Karsten Lentzsch
@version $Revision: 1.8 $
@see ButtonBarBuilder
@see com.jgoodies.forms.factories.ButtonBarFactory
@see com.jgoodies.forms.util.LayoutStyle