Spring bean that auto-creates any tables that it finds DAOs for if the property name in TableCreator.AUTO_CREATE_TABLES property has been set to true. It will also auto-drop any tables that were auto-created if the property name in TableCreator.AUTO_DROP_TABLES property has been set to true.
NOTE: If you are using the Spring type wiring in Java, {@link #initialize} should be called after all of theset methods. In Spring XML, init-method="initialize" should be used.
Here is an example of spring wiring.
<!-- our database type factory-bean --> <bean id="tableCreator" class="com.j256.ormlite.spring.TableCreator" init-method="initialize"> <property name="connectionSource" ref="connectionSource" /> <property name="configuredDaos"> <list> <ref bean="accountDao" /> <ref bean="orderDao" /> </list> </property> </bean>
@author graywatson