Class which implements our {@link Log} interface so we can bypass external logging classes if they are not available.
You can set the log level by setting the System.setProperty(LocalLog.LOCAL_LOG_LEVEL_PROPERTY, "trace"). Acceptable values are: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL. You can also redirect the log to a file by setting the System.setProperty(LocalLog.LOCAL_LOG_FILE_PROPERTY, "log.out"). Otherwise, log output will go to stdout.
It also supports a file file which contains lines such as:
# regex-pattern = Level log4j\.logger\.com\.j256\.ormlite.*=DEBUG log4j\.logger\.com\.j256\.ormlite\.stmt\.mapped.BaseMappedStatement=TRACE log4j\.logger\.com\.j256\.ormlite\.stmt\.mapped.MappedCreate=TRACE log4j\.logger\.com\.j256\.ormlite\.stmt\.StatementExecutor=TRACE
@author graywatson