Implementation of the ConnectionSource interface that supports basic pooled connections. New connections are created on demand only if there are no dormant connections otherwise released connections will be reused. This class is reentrant and can handle requests from multiple threads.
WARNING: As of 10/2010 this is one of the newer parts of ORMLite meaning it may still have bugs. Additional review of the code and any feedback would be appreciated.
NOTE: If you are using the Spring type wiring in Java, {@link #initialize} should be called after all of theset methods. In Spring XML, init-method="initialize" should be used.
NOTE: This class spawns a thread to test the pooled connections that are in the free-list as a keep-alive mechanism. It will test any dormant connections every so often to see if they are still valid. If this is not the behavior that you want then call {@link #setCheckConnectionsEveryMillis(long)} with 0 to disable the thread. You canalso call {@link #setTestBeforeGet(boolean)} and set it to true to test the connection before it is handed back toyou.
@author graywatson