Package com.itextpdf.text

Examples of com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor

                app.rectangle(borderWidth / 2, borderWidth / 2, box.getWidth() - borderWidth, box.getHeight() - borderWidth);
            // beveled
            BaseColor actual = backgroundColor;
            if (actual == null)
                actual = BaseColor.WHITE;
        else if (borderStyle == PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_INSET) {
            if (borderWidth != 0 && borderColor != null) {
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        c[0] = Integer.parseInt(s+s, 16);
        String s2 = name.substring(1, 2);
                c[1] = Integer.parseInt(s2+s2, 16);
        String s3 = name.substring(2);
                c[2] = Integer.parseInt(s3+s3, 16);
        return new BaseColor(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
      if (name.length() == 6) {
        c[0] = Integer.parseInt(name.substring(0, 2), 16);
        c[1] = Integer.parseInt(name.substring(2, 4), 16);
        c[2] = Integer.parseInt(name.substring(4), 16);
        return new BaseColor(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(""));
        else if (name.startsWith("rgb(")) {
            StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(name, "rgb(), \t\r\n\f");
            for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
                String v = tok.nextToken();
                if (v.endsWith("%"))
                    c[k] = Integer.parseInt(v.substring(0, v.length() - 1)) * 255 / 100;
                    c[k] = Integer.parseInt(v);
                if (c[k] < 0)
                    c[k] = 0;
                else if (c[k] > 255)
                    c[k] = 255;
            return new BaseColor(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);

    if (!NAMES.containsKey(name))
      // TODO localize this error message.
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Color '" + name
          + "' not found.");
    c = NAMES.get(name);
    return new BaseColor(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
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   * @param cell
   * @param canvases
   * @since  2.1.6  extra parameter currentMaxHeight
  public void writeBorderAndBackground(float xPos, float yPos, float currentMaxHeight, PdfPCell cell, PdfContentByte[] canvases) {
    BaseColor background = cell.getBackgroundColor();
    if (background != null || cell.hasBorders()) {
      // Add xPos resp. yPos to the cell's coordinates for absolute coordinates
      float right = cell.getRight() + xPos;
      float top = cell.getTop() + yPos;
      float left = cell.getLeft() + xPos;
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        float tabPosition = 0;

        // looping over all the chunks in 1 line
        for (Iterator<PdfChunk> j = line.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
            chunk =;
            BaseColor color = chunk.color();
            float fontSize = chunk.font().size();
            float ascender = chunk.font().getFont().getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, fontSize);
            float descender = chunk.font().getFont().getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, fontSize);
            hScale = 1;

            if (chunkStrokeIdx <= lastChunkStroke) {
                float width;
                if (isJustified) {
                    width = chunk.getWidthCorrected(baseCharacterSpacing, baseWordSpacing);
                else {
                    width = chunk.width();
                if (chunk.isStroked()) {
                    PdfChunk nextChunk = line.getChunk(chunkStrokeIdx + 1);
                    if (chunk.isSeparator()) {
                      width = glueWidth;
                      Object[] sep = (Object[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.SEPARATOR);
                        DrawInterface di = (DrawInterface)sep[0];
                        Boolean vertical = (Boolean)sep[1];
                        if (vertical.booleanValue()) {
                          di.draw(graphics, baseXMarker, yMarker + descender, baseXMarker + line.getOriginalWidth(), ascender - descender, yMarker);
                        else {
                          di.draw(graphics, xMarker, yMarker + descender, xMarker + width, ascender - descender, yMarker);
                    if (chunk.isTab()) {
                      Object[] tab = (Object[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.TAB);
                        DrawInterface di = (DrawInterface)tab[0];
                        tabPosition = ((Float)tab[1]).floatValue() + ((Float)tab[3]).floatValue();
                        if (tabPosition > xMarker) {
                          di.draw(graphics, xMarker, yMarker + descender, tabPosition, ascender - descender, yMarker);
                        float tmp = xMarker;
                      xMarker = tabPosition;
                      tabPosition = tmp;
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.BACKGROUND)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.BACKGROUND))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        Object bgr[] = (Object[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.BACKGROUND);
                        float extra[] = (float[])bgr[1];
                        graphics.rectangle(xMarker - extra[0],
                            yMarker + descender - extra[1] + chunk.getTextRise(),
                            width - subtract + extra[0] + extra[2],
                            ascender - descender + extra[1] + extra[3]);
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.UNDERLINE)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.UNDERLINE))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        Object unders[][] = (Object[][])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.UNDERLINE);
                        BaseColor scolor = null;
                        for (int k = 0; k < unders.length; ++k) {
                            Object obj[] = unders[k];
                            scolor = (BaseColor)obj[0];
                            float ps[] = (float[])obj[1];
                            if (scolor == null)
                                scolor = color;
                            if (scolor != null)
                            graphics.setLineWidth(ps[0] + fontSize * ps[1]);
                            float shift = ps[2] + fontSize * ps[3];
                            int cap2 = (int)ps[4];
                            if (cap2 != 0)
                            graphics.moveTo(xMarker, yMarker + shift);
                            graphics.lineTo(xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + shift);
                            if (scolor != null)
                            if (cap2 != 0)
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.ACTION)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.ACTION))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        text.addAnnotation(new PdfAnnotation(writer, xMarker, yMarker + descender + chunk.getTextRise(), xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + ascender + chunk.getTextRise(), (PdfAction)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.ACTION)));
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.REMOTEGOTO)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.REMOTEGOTO))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        Object obj[] = (Object[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.REMOTEGOTO);
                        String filename = (String)obj[0];
                        if (obj[1] instanceof String)
                          remoteGoto(filename, (String)obj[1], xMarker, yMarker + descender + chunk.getTextRise(), xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + ascender + chunk.getTextRise());
                          remoteGoto(filename, ((Integer)obj[1]).intValue(), xMarker, yMarker + descender + chunk.getTextRise(), xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + ascender + chunk.getTextRise());
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.LOCALGOTO)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.LOCALGOTO))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        localGoto((String)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.LOCALGOTO), xMarker, yMarker, xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + fontSize);
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.LOCALDESTINATION)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.LOCALDESTINATION))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        localDestination((String)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.LOCALDESTINATION), new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.XYZ, xMarker, yMarker + fontSize, 0));
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.GENERICTAG)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.GENERICTAG))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(xMarker, yMarker, xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + fontSize);
                        PdfPageEvent pev = writer.getPageEvent();
                        if (pev != null)
                            pev.onGenericTag(writer, this, rect, (String)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.GENERICTAG));
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.PDFANNOTATION)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.PDFANNOTATION))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        PdfAnnotation annot = PdfFormField.shallowDuplicate((PdfAnnotation)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.PDFANNOTATION));
                        annot.put(PdfName.RECT, new PdfRectangle(xMarker, yMarker + descender, xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + ascender));
                    float params[] = (float[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.SKEW);
                    Float hs = (Float)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.HSCALE);
                    if (params != null || hs != null) {
                        float b = 0, c = 0;
                        if (params != null) {
                            b = params[0];
                            c = params[1];
                        if (hs != null)
                            hScale = hs.floatValue();
                        text.setTextMatrix(hScale, b, c, 1, xMarker, yMarker);
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.CHAR_SPACING)) {
                      Float cs = (Float) chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.CHAR_SPACING);
                    if (chunk.isImage()) {
                        Image image = chunk.getImage();
                        float matrix[] = image.matrix();
                        matrix[Image.CX] = xMarker + chunk.getImageOffsetX() - matrix[Image.CX];
                        matrix[Image.CY] = yMarker + chunk.getImageOffsetY() - matrix[Image.CY];
                        graphics.addImage(image, matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5]);
                        text.moveText(xMarker + lastBaseFactor + image.getScaledWidth() - text.getXTLM(), 0);
                xMarker += width;

            if (chunk.font().compareTo(currentFont) != 0) {
                currentFont = chunk.font();
                text.setFontAndSize(currentFont.getFont(), currentFont.size());
            float rise = 0;
            Object textRender[] = (Object[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.TEXTRENDERMODE);
            int tr = 0;
            float strokeWidth = 1;
            BaseColor strokeColor = null;
            Float fr = (Float)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.SUBSUPSCRIPT);
            if (textRender != null) {
                tr = ((Integer)textRender[0]).intValue() & 3;
                if (tr != PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL)
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        Phrase adressPh = new Phrase();
        adressPh.add(new Chunk("E-Mail:   ", adressFont));
          Anchor emailLink = new Anchor("", new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.UNDERLINE, new BaseColor(Color.BLUE)));
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    public BaseColor readColor() throws IOException{
        int red = readByte();
        int green = readByte();
        int blue = readByte();
        return new BaseColor(red, green, blue);
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                case META_SETPOLYFILLMODE:
                case META_SETPIXEL:
                    BaseColor color = in.readColor();
                    int y = in.readShort();
                    int x = in.readShort();
                    cb.rectangle(state.transformX(x), state.transformY(y), .2f, .2f);
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            ty = 0;
        else if ((align & MetaState.TA_BOTTOM) == MetaState.TA_BOTTOM)
            ty = -descender;
            ty = -ury;
        BaseColor textColor;
        if (state.getBackgroundMode() == MetaState.OPAQUE) {
            textColor = state.getCurrentBackgroundColor();
            cb.rectangle(tx, ty + descender, textWidth, ury - descender);
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        switch (obj.getType()) {
            case MetaObject.META_BRUSH:
                currentBrush = (MetaBrush)obj;
                style = currentBrush.getStyle();
                if (style == MetaBrush.BS_SOLID) {
                    BaseColor color = currentBrush.getColor();
                else if (style == MetaBrush.BS_HATCHED) {
                    BaseColor color = currentBackgroundColor;
            case MetaObject.META_PEN:
                currentPen = (MetaPen)obj;
                style = currentPen.getStyle();
                if (style != MetaPen.PS_NULL) {
                    BaseColor color = currentPen.getColor();
                    cb.setLineWidth(Math.abs(currentPen.getPenWidth() * scalingX / extentWx));
                    switch (style) {
                        case MetaPen.PS_DASH:
                            cb.setLineDash(18, 6, 0);
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        float tabPosition = 0;

        // looping over all the chunks in 1 line
        for (Iterator<PdfChunk> j = line.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
            chunk =;
            BaseColor color = chunk.color();
            float fontSize = chunk.font().size();
            float ascender = chunk.font().getFont().getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, fontSize);
            float descender = chunk.font().getFont().getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, fontSize);
            hScale = 1;

            if (chunkStrokeIdx <= lastChunkStroke) {
                float width;
                if (isJustified) {
                    width = chunk.getWidthCorrected(baseCharacterSpacing, baseWordSpacing);
                else {
                    width = chunk.width();
                if (chunk.isStroked()) {
                    PdfChunk nextChunk = line.getChunk(chunkStrokeIdx + 1);
                    if (chunk.isSeparator()) {
                      width = glueWidth;
                      Object[] sep = (Object[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.SEPARATOR);
                        DrawInterface di = (DrawInterface)sep[0];
                        Boolean vertical = (Boolean)sep[1];
                        if (vertical.booleanValue()) {
                          di.draw(graphics, baseXMarker, yMarker + descender, baseXMarker + line.getOriginalWidth(), ascender - descender, yMarker);
                        else {
                          di.draw(graphics, xMarker, yMarker + descender, xMarker + width, ascender - descender, yMarker);
                    if (chunk.isTab()) {
                      Object[] tab = (Object[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.TAB);
                        DrawInterface di = (DrawInterface)tab[0];
                        tabPosition = ((Float)tab[1]).floatValue() + ((Float)tab[3]).floatValue();
                        if (tabPosition > xMarker) {
                          di.draw(graphics, xMarker, yMarker + descender, tabPosition, ascender - descender, yMarker);
                        float tmp = xMarker;
                      xMarker = tabPosition;
                      tabPosition = tmp;
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.BACKGROUND)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.BACKGROUND))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        Object bgr[] = (Object[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.BACKGROUND);
                        float extra[] = (float[])bgr[1];
                        graphics.rectangle(xMarker - extra[0],
                            yMarker + descender - extra[1] + chunk.getTextRise(),
                            width - subtract + extra[0] + extra[2],
                            ascender - descender + extra[1] + extra[3]);
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.UNDERLINE)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.UNDERLINE))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        Object unders[][] = (Object[][])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.UNDERLINE);
                        BaseColor scolor = null;
                        for (int k = 0; k < unders.length; ++k) {
                            Object obj[] = unders[k];
                            scolor = (BaseColor)obj[0];
                            float ps[] = (float[])obj[1];
                            if (scolor == null)
                                scolor = color;
                            if (scolor != null)
                            graphics.setLineWidth(ps[0] + fontSize * ps[1]);
                            float shift = ps[2] + fontSize * ps[3];
                            int cap2 = (int)ps[4];
                            if (cap2 != 0)
                            graphics.moveTo(xMarker, yMarker + shift);
                            graphics.lineTo(xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + shift);
                            if (scolor != null)
                            if (cap2 != 0)
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.ACTION)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.ACTION))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        text.addAnnotation(new PdfAnnotation(writer, xMarker, yMarker + descender + chunk.getTextRise(), xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + ascender + chunk.getTextRise(), (PdfAction)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.ACTION)));
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.REMOTEGOTO)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.REMOTEGOTO))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        Object obj[] = (Object[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.REMOTEGOTO);
                        String filename = (String)obj[0];
                        if (obj[1] instanceof String)
                          remoteGoto(filename, (String)obj[1], xMarker, yMarker + descender + chunk.getTextRise(), xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + ascender + chunk.getTextRise());
                          remoteGoto(filename, ((Integer)obj[1]).intValue(), xMarker, yMarker + descender + chunk.getTextRise(), xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + ascender + chunk.getTextRise());
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.LOCALGOTO)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.LOCALGOTO))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        localGoto((String)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.LOCALGOTO), xMarker, yMarker, xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + fontSize);
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.LOCALDESTINATION)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.LOCALDESTINATION))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        localDestination((String)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.LOCALDESTINATION), new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.XYZ, xMarker, yMarker + fontSize, 0));
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.GENERICTAG)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.GENERICTAG))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(xMarker, yMarker, xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + fontSize);
                        PdfPageEvent pev = writer.getPageEvent();
                        if (pev != null)
                            pev.onGenericTag(writer, this, rect, (String)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.GENERICTAG));
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.PDFANNOTATION)) {
                        float subtract = lastBaseFactor;
                        if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.isAttribute(Chunk.PDFANNOTATION))
                            subtract = 0;
                        if (nextChunk == null)
                            subtract += hangingCorrection;
                        PdfAnnotation annot = PdfFormField.shallowDuplicate((PdfAnnotation)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.PDFANNOTATION));
                        annot.put(PdfName.RECT, new PdfRectangle(xMarker, yMarker + descender, xMarker + width - subtract, yMarker + ascender));
                    float params[] = (float[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.SKEW);
                    Float hs = (Float)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.HSCALE);
                    if (params != null || hs != null) {
                        float b = 0, c = 0;
                        if (params != null) {
                            b = params[0];
                            c = params[1];
                        if (hs != null)
                            hScale = hs.floatValue();
                        text.setTextMatrix(hScale, b, c, 1, xMarker, yMarker);
                    if (chunk.isAttribute(Chunk.CHAR_SPACING)) {
                      Float cs = (Float) chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.CHAR_SPACING);
                    if (chunk.isImage()) {
                        Image image = chunk.getImage();
                        float matrix[] = image.matrix();
                        matrix[Image.CX] = xMarker + chunk.getImageOffsetX() - matrix[Image.CX];
                        matrix[Image.CY] = yMarker + chunk.getImageOffsetY() - matrix[Image.CY];
                        graphics.addImage(image, matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5]);
                        text.moveText(xMarker + lastBaseFactor + image.getScaledWidth() - text.getXTLM(), 0);
                xMarker += width;

            if (chunk.font().compareTo(currentFont) != 0) {
                currentFont = chunk.font();
                text.setFontAndSize(currentFont.getFont(), currentFont.size());
            float rise = 0;
            Object textRender[] = (Object[])chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.TEXTRENDERMODE);
            int tr = 0;
            float strokeWidth = 1;
            BaseColor strokeColor = null;
            Float fr = (Float)chunk.getAttribute(Chunk.SUBSUPSCRIPT);
            if (textRender != null) {
                tr = ((Integer)textRender[0]).intValue() & 3;
                if (tr != PdfContentByte.TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL)
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Related Classes of com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor

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