if (provider instanceof HbFileViewProvider) {
if (HbConfig.isAutocompleteMustachesEnabled() && c == '}' && !previousChar.equals("}")) {
// we may be able to complete the second brace
PsiElement elementAt = provider.findElementAt(offset - 1, HbLanguage.class);
ASTNode node = elementAt != null ? elementAt.getNode() : null;
if (node != null && node.getElementType() == HbTokenTypes.INVALID) {
// we should be looking at the beginning of a close brace. Find its matching open brace and auto-complete based on its type
PsiElement mustache = PsiTreeUtil.findFirstParent(elementAt, new Condition<PsiElement>() {
public boolean value(PsiElement psiElement) {
return psiElement instanceof HbMustache;
if (mustache != null) {
String braceCompleter;
if (mustache.getFirstChild().getNode().getElementType() == HbTokenTypes.OPEN_UNESCAPED) {
// add "}}" to complete the CLOSE_UNESCAPED
braceCompleter = "}}";
} else {
// add "}" to complete the CLOSE
braceCompleter = "}";