Package com.inspiresoftware.lib.dto.geda.assembler.examples.synth

Examples of com.inspiresoftware.lib.dto.geda.assembler.examples.synth.TestSynthesizerByInterface

   * @throws GeDAException should not be thrown
  public void testReaderOnIfaceCdb() throws GeDAException {
    final TestSynthesizerByInterface dto = new TestSynthesizerByClass();
    final DataReader reader = new MethodSynthesizerProxy(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.synthesizer).synthesizeReader(
            TestDto1Interface.class, "dbo",
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   * @throws GeDAException should not be thrown
  public void testWriterOnIfaceCdb() throws GeDAException {
    final TestSynthesizerByInterface dto = new TestSynthesizerByClass();
    final DataWriter writer = new MethodSynthesizerProxy(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.synthesizer).synthesizeWriter(
            TestDto1Interface.class, "dbo",
    assertEquals(Double.class, writer.getParameterType());
    writer.write(dto, DO_4);
    assertEquals(DO_4, dto.getDbo());
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   * @throws GeDAException should not be thrown
  public void testReaderOnIfaceCob() throws GeDAException {
    final TestSynthesizerByInterface dto = new TestSynthesizerByClass();
    final DataReader reader = new MethodSynthesizerProxy(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.synthesizer).synthesizeReader(
            TestDto1Interface.class, "ob",
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   * @throws GeDAException should not be thrown
  public void testWriterOnIfaceCob() throws GeDAException {
    final TestSynthesizerByInterface dto = new TestSynthesizerByClass();
    final DataWriter writer = new MethodSynthesizerProxy(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.synthesizer).synthesizeWriter(
            TestDto1Interface.class, "ob",
    assertEquals(Object.class, writer.getParameterType());
    writer.write(dto, OBJ);
    assertEquals(OBJ, dto.getOb());
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   * @throws GeDAException should not be thrown
  public void testReaderOnIfaceCstr() throws GeDAException {
    final TestSynthesizerByInterface dto = new TestSynthesizerByClass();
    final DataReader reader = new MethodSynthesizerProxy(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.synthesizer).synthesizeReader(
            TestDto1Interface.class, "str",
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   * @throws GeDAException should not be thrown
  public void testWriterOnIfaceCstr() throws GeDAException {
    final TestSynthesizerByInterface dto = new TestSynthesizerByClass();
    final DataWriter writer = new MethodSynthesizerProxy(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.synthesizer).synthesizeWriter(
            TestDto1Interface.class, "str",
    assertEquals(String.class, writer.getParameterType());
    writer.write(dto, STR);
    assertEquals(STR, dto.getStr());
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   * @throws GeDAException should not be thrown
  public void testReaderOnIfaceCenum() throws GeDAException {
    final TestSynthesizerByInterface dto = new TestSynthesizerByClass();
    final DataReader reader = new MethodSynthesizerProxy(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.synthesizer).synthesizeReader(
            TestDto1Interface.class, "enum",
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   * @throws GeDAException should not be thrown
  public void testWriterOnIfaceCenum() throws GeDAException {
    final TestSynthesizerByInterface dto = new TestSynthesizerByClass();
    final DataWriter writer = new MethodSynthesizerProxy(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.synthesizer).synthesizeWriter(
            TestDto1Interface.class, "enum",
    assertEquals(EnumVal.class, writer.getParameterType());
    writer.write(dto, EnumVal.Three);
    assertEquals(EnumVal.Three, dto.getEnum());
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   * @throws GeDAException should not be thrown
  public void testReaderOnIfaceCstrProxy() throws GeDAException {
    final TestSynthesizerByInterface dto = new TestSynthesizerByInterface() {

      private final TestSynthesizerByClass dto = new TestSynthesizerByClass();

      public Boolean getBoolo() { return dto.getBoolo(); }
      public byte getBy() { return dto.getBy(); }
      public Byte getByo() { return dto.getByo(); }
      public char getCh() { return dto.getCh(); }
      public Character getCho() { return dto.getCho(); }
      public double getDb() { return dto.getDb(); }
      public Double getDbo() { return dto.getDbo(); }
      public EnumVal getEnum() { return dto.getEnum(); }
      public float getFl() { return dto.getFl(); }
      public Float getFlo() { return dto.getFlo(); }
      public int getIn() { return dto.getIn(); }
      public Integer getIno() { return dto.getIno(); }
      public long getLo() { return dto.getLo(); }
      public Long getLoo() { return dto.getLoo(); }
      public Object getOb() { return dto.getOb(); }
      public short getSh() { return dto.getSh(); }
      public Short getSho() { return dto.getSho(); }
      public String getStr() { return dto.getStr(); }
      public boolean isBool() { return dto.isBool(); }
      public void setBool(final boolean bool) { dto.setBool(bool); }
      public void setBoolo(final Boolean boolo) { dto.setBoolo(boolo); }
      public void setBy(final byte by) { dto.setBy(by); }
      public void setByo(final Byte byo) { dto.setByo(byo); }
      public void setCh(final char ch) { dto.setCh(ch); }
      public void setCho(final Character cho) { dto.setCho(cho); }
      public void setDb(final double db) { dto.setDb(db); }
      public void setDbo(final Double dbo) { dto.setDbo(dbo); }
      public void setEnum(final EnumVal enumVal) { dto.setEnum(enumVal); }
      public void setFl(final float fl) { dto.setFl(fl); }
      public void setFlo(final Float flo) { dto.setFlo(flo); }
      public void setIn(final int in) { dto.setIn(in); }
      public void setIno(final Integer ino) { dto.setIno(ino); }
      public void setLo(final long lo) { dto.setLo(lo); }
      public void setLoo(final Long loo) { dto.setLoo(loo); }
      public void setOb(final Object ob) { dto.setOb(ob); }
      public void setSh(final short sh) { dto.setSh(sh); }
      public void setSho(final Short sho) { dto.setSho(sho); }
      public void setStr(final String str) { dto.setStr(str); }
    final DataReader reader = new MethodSynthesizerProxy(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.synthesizer).synthesizeReader(
            dto.getClass(), "str",
    assertEquals(String.class, reader.getReturnType());
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   * @throws GeDAException should not be thrown
  public void testWriterOnIfaceCstrProxy() throws GeDAException {
    final TestSynthesizerByInterface dto = new TestSynthesizerByInterface() {

      private final TestSynthesizerByClass dto = new TestSynthesizerByClass();

      public Boolean getBoolo() { return dto.getBoolo(); }
      public byte getBy() { return dto.getBy(); }
      public Byte getByo() { return dto.getByo(); }
      public char getCh() { return dto.getCh(); }
      public Character getCho() { return dto.getCho(); }
      public double getDb() { return dto.getDb(); }
      public Double getDbo() { return dto.getDbo(); }
      public EnumVal getEnum() { return dto.getEnum(); }
      public float getFl() { return dto.getFl(); }
      public Float getFlo() { return dto.getFlo(); }
      public int getIn() { return dto.getIn(); }
      public Integer getIno() { return dto.getIno(); }
      public long getLo() { return dto.getLo(); }
      public Long getLoo() { return dto.getLoo(); }
      public Object getOb() { return dto.getOb(); }
      public short getSh() { return dto.getSh(); }
      public Short getSho() { return dto.getSho(); }
      public String getStr() { return dto.getStr(); }
      public boolean isBool() { return dto.isBool(); }
      public void setBool(final boolean bool) { dto.setBool(bool); }
      public void setBoolo(final Boolean boolo) { dto.setBoolo(boolo); }
      public void setBy(final byte by) { dto.setBy(by); }
      public void setByo(final Byte byo) { dto.setByo(byo); }
      public void setCh(final char ch) { dto.setCh(ch); }
      public void setCho(final Character cho) { dto.setCho(cho); }
      public void setDb(final double db) { dto.setDb(db); }
      public void setDbo(final Double dbo) { dto.setDbo(dbo); }
      public void setEnum(final EnumVal enumVal) { dto.setEnum(enumVal); }
      public void setFl(final float fl) { dto.setFl(fl); }
      public void setFlo(final Float flo) { dto.setFlo(flo); }
      public void setIn(final int in) { dto.setIn(in); }
      public void setIno(final Integer ino) { dto.setIno(ino); }
      public void setLo(final long lo) { dto.setLo(lo); }
      public void setLoo(final Long loo) { dto.setLoo(loo); }
      public void setOb(final Object ob) { dto.setOb(ob); }
      public void setSh(final short sh) { dto.setSh(sh); }
      public void setSho(final Short sho) { dto.setSho(sho); }
      public void setStr(final String str) { dto.setStr(str); }
    final DataWriter writer = new MethodSynthesizerProxy(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.synthesizer).synthesizeWriter(
            dto.getClass(), "str",
    assertEquals(String.class, writer.getParameterType());
    writer.write(dto, STR);
    assertEquals(STR, dto.getStr());
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Related Classes of com.inspiresoftware.lib.dto.geda.assembler.examples.synth.TestSynthesizerByInterface

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