
Examples of

    String msg = "";
    if ("".equals(error.getClass().getName())) {
      // EvaluationExceptionEx, so SSJS error is on a component property.
      // Hit by ErrorOnLoad.xsp
      EvaluationExceptionEx ee = (EvaluationExceptionEx) error;
      InterpretException ie = (InterpretException) ee.getCause();
      msg = "Error on " + ee.getErrorComponentId() + " " + ee.getErrorPropertyId() + " property/event, line "
          + Integer.toString(ie.getErrorLine()) + ":\n\n" + ie.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n\n" + ie.getExpressionText();
      XspOpenLogUtil.getXspOpenLogItem().logErrorEx(ee, msg, null, null);

    } else if ("javax.faces.FacesException".equals(error.getClass().getName())) {
      // FacesException, so error is on event or method in EL
      FacesException fe = (FacesException) error;
      InterpretException ie = null;
      EvaluationExceptionEx ee = null;
      msg = "Error on ";
      try {
        // javax.faces.el.MethodNotFoundException hit by ErrorOnMethod.xsp
        if (!"javax.faces.el.MethodNotFoundException".equals(fe.getCause().getClass().getName())) {
          if ("".equals(fe.getCause().getClass().getName())) {
            // Hit by ErrorOnClick.xsp
            ee = (EvaluationExceptionEx) fe.getCause();
          } else if ("javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException".equals(fe.getCause().getClass().getName())) {
            // Property not found exception, so error is on a component property
            msg = "PropertyNotFoundException Error, cannot locate component:\n\n";
          } else if ("".equals(fe.getCause().getCause().getClass().getName())) {
            // Hit by using e.g. currentDocument.isNewDoc()
            // i.e. using a Variable that relates to a valid Java object but a method that doesn't exist
            ee = (EvaluationExceptionEx) fe.getCause().getCause();
          if (null != ee) {
            msg = msg + ee.getErrorComponentId() + " " + ee.getErrorPropertyId() + " property/event:\n\n";
            if ("".equals(ee.getCause().getClass().getName())) {
              ie = (InterpretException) ee.getCause();
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        msg = "Unexpected error class: " + fe.getCause().getClass().getName() + "\n Message recorded is: ";
      if (null != ie) {
        msg = msg + Integer.toString(ie.getErrorLine()) + ":\n\n" + ie.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n\n" + ie.getExpressionText();
      } else {
        msg = msg + fe.getCause().getLocalizedMessage();
      XspOpenLogUtil.getXspOpenLogItem().logErrorEx(fe.getCause(), msg, null, null);
    } else if ("".equals(error.getClass().getName())) {
      // FacesException, so error is on event - doesn't get hit in examples. Can this still get hit??
      FacesExceptionEx fe = (FacesExceptionEx) error;
      try {
        if ("lotus.domino.NotesException".equals(fe.getCause().getClass().getName())) {
          // sometimes the cause is a NotesException
          NotesException ne = (NotesException) fe.getCause();

          msg = msg + "NotesException - " + Integer.toString( + " " + ne.text;
        } else if ("".equals(error.getClass().getName())) {
          IOException e = (IOException) error;

          msg = "Java IO:" + error.toString();
          XspOpenLogUtil.getXspOpenLogItem().logErrorEx(e.getCause(), msg, null, null);
        } else {
          EvaluationExceptionEx ee = (EvaluationExceptionEx) fe.getCause();
          InterpretException ie = (InterpretException) ee.getCause();

          msg = "Error on " + ee.getErrorComponentId() + " " + ee.getErrorPropertyId() + " property/event:\n\n"
              + Integer.toString(ie.getErrorLine()) + ":\n\n" + ie.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n\n" + ie.getExpressionText();
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        msg = "Unexpected error class: " + fe.getCause().getClass().getName() + "\n Message recorded is: "
            + fe.getCause().getLocalizedMessage();
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