// get the options
doNFKC = ((indexes[OPTIONS] & NORMALIZATION_ON) > 0);
checkBiDi = ((indexes[OPTIONS] & CHECK_BIDI_ON) > 0);
sprepUniVer = getVersionInfo(reader.getUnicodeVersion());
normCorrVer = getVersionInfo(indexes[NORM_CORRECTNS_LAST_UNI_VERSION]);
VersionInfo normUniVer = Normalizer.getUnicodeVersion();
if(normUniVer.compareTo(sprepUniVer) < 0 && /* the Unicode version of SPREP file must be less than the Unicode Vesion of the normalization data */
normUniVer.compareTo(normCorrVer) < 0 && /* the Unicode version of the NormalizationCorrections.txt file should be less than the Unicode Vesion of the normalization data */
((indexes[OPTIONS] & NORMALIZATION_ON) > 0) /* normalization turned on*/
throw new IOException("Normalization Correction version not supported");