
Examples of$ResourceCacheKey

    public void TestAlias(){
        logln("Testing %%ALIAS");
        UResourceBundle rb = (UResourceBundle) UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME,"iw_IL");
        UResourceBundle b = rb.get("NumberPatterns");
        if(b != null){
                logln("%%ALIAS mechanism works");
                errln("%%ALIAS mechanism failed for iw_IL collations");
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            errln("%%ALIAS mechanism failed for iw_IL");
    public void TestXPathAlias(){
        UResourceBundle rb = (UResourceBundle) UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance("com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata","te_IN",testLoader);
        UResourceBundle b = rb.get("aliasClient");
        String result = b.getString();
        String expResult= "correct";

            errln("Did not get the expected result for XPath style alias");
            UResourceBundle c = rb.get("rootAliasClient");
            result = c.getString();
            expResult = "correct";
                errln("Did not get the expected result for XPath style alias for rootAliasClient");
        }catch( MissingResourceException ex){
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    public void TestNorwegian(){
            UResourceBundle rb = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, "no_NO_NY");
            UResourceBundle sub = rb.get("Countries");
            String s1 = sub.getString("NO");
                logln("got expected output ");
                errln("did not get the expected result");
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        String expected = null;
        String[]expects = new String[] { "", "a41", "a12", "a03", "ar4" };

        logln("Testing CLDR style aliases......\n");

        UResourceBundle rb = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance("com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata", "te_IN_REVISED",testLoader);
        ICUResourceBundle alias = (ICUResourceBundle)rb.get("a");

        for(int i = 1; i < 5 ; i++) {
          String resource="a"+i;
          UResourceBundle a = (alias).getWithFallback(resource);
          result = a.getString();
          if(result.equals(expected)) {
              errln("CLDR style aliases failed resource with name "+resource+"resource, exp "+expects[i] +" , got " + result);
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                    + " Got: " + getLSString(status));
        logln("Test to verify loading status of get(String)");
        bundle = (ICUResourceBundle)UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, "te_IN");
        UResourceBundle countries = bundle.get("Countries");
        status = ((ICUResourceBundle)countries).getLoadingStatus();
        if(status != ICUResourceBundle.FROM_FALLBACK){
            errln("Did not get the expected value for loading status. Expected "+ getLSString(ICUResourceBundle.FROM_FALLBACK)
                    + " Got: " + getLSString(status));
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            errln("Did not get the expected value for loading status. Expected "+ getLSString(ICUResourceBundle.FROM_ROOT)
                    + " Got: " + getLSString(status));
    public void TestCoverage(){
        UResourceBundle bundle;
        bundle = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME);
        if (bundle == null){
            errln("UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(String baseName) failed");
        bundle = null;
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    public void TestJavaULocaleBundleLoading(){
        String baseName="";
        String locName = "en_Latn_US";
        UResourceBundle bundle = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(baseName, locName, testLoader);
        String fromRoot = bundle.getString("from_root");
        if(!fromRoot.equals("This data comes from root")){
            errln("Did not get the expected string for from_root");
        String fromEn = bundle.getString("from_en");
        if(!fromEn.equals("This data comes from en")){
            errln("Did not get the expected string for from_en");
        String fromEnLatn = bundle.getString("from_en_Latn");
        if(!fromEnLatn.equals("This data comes from en_Latn")){
            errln("Did not get the expected string for from_en_Latn");
        String fromEnLatnUs = bundle.getString("from_en_Latn_US");
        if(!fromEnLatnUs.equals("This data comes from en_Latn_US")){
            errln("Did not get the expected string for from_en_Latn_US");
        UResourceBundle bundle1 = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(baseName, new ULocale(locName), testLoader);
            errln("Did not get the expected bundle for "+baseName +"."+locName);
            errln("Did not load the bundle from cache");
        UResourceBundle bundle2 = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(baseName, "en_IN", testLoader);
            errln("Did not get the expected fallback locale. Expected: en Got: "+bundle2.getLocale().toString());   
        UResourceBundle bundle3 = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(baseName, "te_IN", testLoader);
            errln("Did not get the expected fallback locale. Expected: te Got: "+bundle2.getLocale().toString());   
        // non-existent bundle .. should return default
        UResourceBundle defaultBundle = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(baseName, "hi_IN", testLoader);
        ULocale defaultLocale = ULocale.getDefault();
            errln("Did not get the default bundle for non-existent bundle");
        // non-existent bundle, non-existent default locale
        // so return the root bundle.
        UResourceBundle root = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(baseName, "hi_IN", testLoader);
            errln("Did not get the root bundle for non-existent default bundle for non-existent bundle");
        //reset the default
        Enumeration keys = bundle.getKeys();
        int i=0;
            logln("key: "+ keys.nextElement());
            errln("Did not get the expected number of keys: got " + i + ", expected 4");
        UResourceBundle bundle4 = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(baseName,"fr_Latn_FR", testLoader);
            errln("Could not load bundle fr_Latn_FR");
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     * Load the Date string array
    private synchronized void loadDates() {
        CalendarData calData = new CalendarData(fLocale, calendar.getType());
        UResourceBundle rb = calData.get("fields", "day", "relative");
        Set datesSet =new TreeSet(new Comparator() {
            public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
                URelativeString r1 = (URelativeString)o1;
                URelativeString r2 = (URelativeString)o2;
                if(r1.offset == r2.offset) {
                    return 0;
                } else if(r1.offset < r2.offset) {
                    return -1;
                } else {
                    return 1;
        }) ;
        for(UResourceBundleIterator i = rb.getIterator();i.hasNext();) {
            UResourceBundle line =;
            String k = line.getKey();
            String v = line.getString();
            URelativeString rs = new URelativeString(k,v);
        fDates = new URelativeString[0];
        fDates = (URelativeString[])datesSet.toArray(fDates);
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            if (SHOW_ALL) System.out.println();
            if (SHOW_ALL) System.out.println("zones for " + locale);
            ICUResourceBundle bundle = (ICUResourceBundle)UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(locale);
            ICUResourceBundle table = bundle.getWithFallback("zoneStrings");
            for (int i = 0; i < table.getSize(); ++i) {
                UResourceBundle stringSet = table.get(i);
                //ICUResourceBundle stringSet = table.getWithFallback(String.valueOf(i));
                String key = stringSet.getString(0);
                if (SHOW_ALL) System.out.println("key: " + key);
                ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                for (int j = 1; j < stringSet.getSize(); ++j) {
                    String entry = stringSet.getString(j);
                    if (SHOW_ALL) System.out.println("  entry: " + entry);
                data.put(key, list.toArray(new String[list.size()]));
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                logln(_LOCALES[i][1]+" is not available. Skipping!");
            ULocale oldLoc = _LOCALES[i][0];
            ULocale newLoc = _LOCALES[i][1];
            UResourceBundle urb1 = null;
            UResourceBundle urb2 = null;
            urb1 = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, oldLoc);
            urb2 = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, newLoc);
            ULocale l1 = urb1.getULocale();
            ULocale l2 = urb2.getULocale();       
            if (!newLoc.equals(l1)) {
                errln("ResourceBundleTest: newLoc!=l1: newLoc= "+newLoc +" l1= "+l1);
            if (!l1.equals(l2)) {
                errln("ResourceBundleTest: l1!=l2: l1= "+l1 +" l2= "+l2);
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Related Classes of$ResourceCacheKey

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