* @see DateFormat
* @stable ICU 2.0
public void parse(String text, Calendar cal, ParsePosition parsePos)
TimeZone backupTZ = null;
Calendar resultCal = null;
if (cal != calendar && !cal.getType().equals(calendar.getType())) {
// Different calendar type
// We use the time/zone from the input calendar, but
// do not use the input calendar for field calculation.
backupTZ = calendar.getTimeZone();
resultCal = cal;
cal = calendar;
int pos = parsePos.getIndex();
int start = pos;
// Reset tztype
tztype = TZTYPE_UNK;
boolean[] ambiguousYear = { false };
// item index for the first numeric field within a contiguous numeric run
int numericFieldStart = -1;
// item length for the first numeric field within a contiguous numeric run
int numericFieldLength = 0;
// start index of numeric text run in the input text
int numericStartPos = 0;
Object[] items = getPatternItems();
int i = 0;
while (i < items.length) {
if (items[i] instanceof PatternItem) {
// Handle pattern field
PatternItem field = (PatternItem)items[i];
if (field.isNumeric) {
// Handle fields within a run of abutting numeric fields. Take
// the pattern "HHmmss" as an example. We will try to parse
// 2/2/2 characters of the input text, then if that fails,
// 1/2/2. We only adjust the width of the leftmost field; the
// others remain fixed. This allows "123456" => 12:34:56, but
// "12345" => 1:23:45. Likewise, for the pattern "yyyyMMdd" we
// try 4/2/2, 3/2/2, 2/2/2, and finally 1/2/2.
if (numericFieldStart == -1) {
// check if this field is followed by abutting another numeric field
if ((i + 1) < items.length
&& (items[i + 1] instanceof PatternItem)
&& ((PatternItem)items[i + 1]).isNumeric) {
// record the first numeric field within a numeric text run
numericFieldStart = i;
numericFieldLength = field.length;
numericStartPos = pos;
if (numericFieldStart != -1) {
// Handle a numeric field within abutting numeric fields
int len = field.length;
if (numericFieldStart == i) {
len = numericFieldLength;
// Parse a numeric field
pos = subParse(text, pos, field.type, len,
true, false, ambiguousYear, cal);
if (pos < 0) {
// If the parse fails anywhere in the numeric run, back up to the
// start of the run and use shorter pattern length for the first
// numeric field.
if (numericFieldLength == 0) {
// can not make shorter any more
if (backupTZ != null) {
i = numericFieldStart;
pos = numericStartPos;
} else {
// Handle a non-numeric field or a non-abutting numeric field
numericFieldStart = -1;
int s = pos;
pos = subParse(text, pos, field.type, field.length,
false, true, ambiguousYear, cal);
if (pos < 0) {
if (backupTZ != null) {
} else {
// Handle literal pattern text literal
numericFieldStart = -1;
String patl = (String)items[i];
int plen = patl.length();
int tlen = text.length();
int idx = 0;
while (idx < plen && pos < tlen) {
char pch = patl.charAt(idx);
char ich = text.charAt(pos);
if (UCharacterProperty.isRuleWhiteSpace(pch) && UCharacterProperty.isRuleWhiteSpace(ich)) {
// White space characters found in both patten and input.
// Skip contiguous white spaces.
while ((idx + 1) < plen &&
UCharacterProperty.isRuleWhiteSpace(patl.charAt(idx + 1))) {
while ((pos + 1) < tlen &&
UCharacterProperty.isRuleWhiteSpace(text.charAt(pos + 1))) {
} else if (pch != ich) {
if (idx != plen) {
// Set the position of mismatch
if (backupTZ != null) {
// At this point the fields of Calendar have been set. Calendar
// will fill in default values for missing fields when the time
// is computed.
// This part is a problem: When we call parsedDate.after, we compute the time.
// Take the date April 3 2004 at 2:30 am. When this is first set up, the year
// will be wrong if we're parsing a 2-digit year pattern. It will be 1904.
// April 3 1904 is a Sunday (unlike 2004) so it is the DST onset day. 2:30 am
// is therefore an "impossible" time, since the time goes from 1:59 to 3:00 am
// on that day. It is therefore parsed out to fields as 3:30 am. Then we
// add 100 years, and get April 3 2004 at 3:30 am. Note that April 3 2004 is
// a Saturday, so it can have a 2:30 am -- and it should. [LIU]
Date parsedDate = cal.getTime();
if( ambiguousYear[0] && !parsedDate.after(getDefaultCenturyStart()) ) {
cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, 100);
parsedDate = cal.getTime();
// Because of the above condition, save off the fields in case we need to readjust.
// The procedure we use here is not particularly efficient, but there is no other
// way to do this given the API restrictions present in Calendar. We minimize
// inefficiency by only performing this computation when it might apply, that is,
// when the two-digit year is equal to the start year, and thus might fall at the
// front or the back of the default century. This only works because we adjust
// the year correctly to start with in other cases -- see subParse().
try {
if (ambiguousYear[0] || tztype != TZTYPE_UNK) {
// We need a copy of the fields, and we need to avoid triggering a call to
// complete(), which will recalculate the fields. Since we can't access
// the fields[] array in Calendar, we clone the entire object. This will
// stop working if Calendar.clone() is ever rewritten to call complete().
Calendar copy;
if (ambiguousYear[0]) { // the two-digit year == the default start year
copy = (Calendar)cal.clone();
Date parsedDate = copy.getTime();
if (parsedDate.before(getDefaultCenturyStart())) {
// We can't use add here because that does a complete() first.
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, getDefaultCenturyStartYear() + 100);
if (tztype != TZTYPE_UNK) {
copy = (Calendar)cal.clone();
TimeZone tz = copy.getTimeZone();
BasicTimeZone btz = null;
if (tz instanceof BasicTimeZone) {
btz = (BasicTimeZone)tz;
// Get local millis
copy.set(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET, 0);
copy.set(Calendar.DST_OFFSET, 0);
long localMillis = copy.getTimeInMillis();
// Make sure parsed time zone type (Standard or Daylight)
// matches the rule used by the parsed time zone.
int[] offsets = new int[2];
if (btz != null) {
if (tztype == TZTYPE_STD) {
BasicTimeZone.LOCAL_STD, BasicTimeZone.LOCAL_STD, offsets);
} else {
BasicTimeZone.LOCAL_DST, BasicTimeZone.LOCAL_DST, offsets);
} else {
// No good way to resolve ambiguous time at transition,
// but following code work in most case.
tz.getOffset(localMillis, true, offsets);
if (tztype == TZTYPE_STD && offsets[1] != 0 || tztype == TZTYPE_DST && offsets[1] == 0) {
// Roll back one day and try it again.
// Note: This code assumes 1. timezone transition only happens once within 24 hours at max
// 2. the difference of local offsets at the transition is less than 24 hours.
tz.getOffset(localMillis - (24*60*60*1000), true, offsets);
// Now, compare the results with parsed type, either standard or daylight saving time
int resolvedSavings = offsets[1];
if (tztype == TZTYPE_STD) {
if (offsets[1] != 0) {
// Override DST_OFFSET = 0 in the result calendar
resolvedSavings = 0;
} else { // tztype == TZTYPE_DST
if (offsets[1] == 0) {
if (btz != null) {
long time = localMillis + offsets[0];
// We use the nearest daylight saving time rule.
TimeZoneTransition beforeTrs, afterTrs;
long beforeT = time, afterT = time;
int beforeSav = 0, afterSav = 0;
// Search for DST rule before or on the time
while (true) {
beforeTrs = btz.getPreviousTransition(beforeT, true);
if (beforeTrs == null) {
beforeT = beforeTrs.getTime() - 1;
beforeSav = beforeTrs.getFrom().getDSTSavings();
if (beforeSav != 0) {
// Search for DST rule after the time
while (true) {
afterTrs = btz.getNextTransition(afterT, false);
if (afterTrs == null) {
afterT = afterTrs.getTime();
afterSav = afterTrs.getTo().getDSTSavings();
if (afterSav != 0) {
if (beforeTrs != null && afterTrs != null) {
if (time - beforeT > afterT - time) {
resolvedSavings = afterSav;
} else {
resolvedSavings = beforeSav;
} else if (beforeTrs != null && beforeSav != 0) {
resolvedSavings = beforeSav;
} else if (afterTrs != null && afterSav != 0) {
resolvedSavings = afterSav;
} else {
resolvedSavings = btz.getDSTSavings();
} else {
resolvedSavings = tz.getDSTSavings();
if (resolvedSavings == 0) {
// Final fallback
resolvedSavings = millisPerHour;