
Examples of

    public void TestT6669() {
        // getNext/PreviousTransition implementation in SimpleTimeZone
        // used to use a bad condition for detecting if DST is enabled or not.

        SimpleTimeZone stz = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "CustomID",
                Calendar.JANUARY, 1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0,
                Calendar.JULY, 1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0);

        long t = 1230681600000L; //2008-12-31T00:00:00
        long expectedNext = 1231027200000L; //2009-01-04T00:00:00
        long expectedPrev = 1215298800000L; //2008-07-06T00:00:00

        TimeZoneTransition tzt = stz.getNextTransition(t, false);
        if (tzt == null) {
            errln("FAIL: No transition returned by getNextTransition.");
        } else if (tzt.getTime() != expectedNext){
            errln("FAIL: Wrong transition time returned by getNextTransition - "
                    + tzt.getTime() + " Expected: " + expectedNext);

        tzt = stz.getPreviousTransition(t, true);
        if (tzt == null) {
            errln("FAIL: No transition returned by getPreviousTransition.");
        } else if (tzt.getTime() != expectedPrev){
            errln("FAIL: Wrong transition time returned by getPreviousTransition - "
                    + tzt.getTime() + " Expected: " + expectedPrev);
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        // Make sure that we don't display the DST name by constructing a fake
        // PST zone that has DST all year long.
        // dlf - this test is no longer relevant, we display generic time now
        //    so the behavior of the timezone doesn't matter
        SimpleTimeZone zone2 = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "PST");
        zone2.setStartRule(Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 0);
        zone2.setEndRule(Calendar.DECEMBER, 31, 86399999);
        logln("Modified PST inDaylightTime->" + zone2.inDaylightTime(new Date()));
        name = zone2.getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH);
        logln("Modified PST->" + name);
        if (!name.equals("Pacific Time"))
            errln("Fail: Expected \"Pacific Time\"");

        // Make sure we get the default display format for Locales
        // with no display name data.
        Locale mt_MT = new Locale("mt", "MT");
        name = zone.getDisplayName(mt_MT);
        logln("PST(mt_MT)->" + name);

        // Now be smart -- check to see if zh resource is even present.
        // If not, we expect the en fallback behavior.

        // in icu4j 2.1 we know we have the zh_CN locale data, though it's incomplete
//    /"DateFormatZoneData",
        UResourceBundle enRB = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME,Locale.ENGLISH);
        UResourceBundle mtRB = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, mt_MT);
        boolean noZH = enRB == mtRB;

        if (noZH) {
            logln("Warning: Not testing the mt_MT behavior because resource is absent");
            if (!name.equals("Pacific Standard Time"))
                errln("Fail: Expected Pacific Standard Time for PST in mt_MT but got ");
        // dlf - we will use generic time, or if unavailable, GMT for standard time in the zone
        //     - we now (3.4.1) have localizations for this zone, so change test string
        else if(!name.equals("Stati Uniti (Los Angeles)") &&
            !name.equals("GMT-08:00") &&
            !name.equals("GMT-8:00") &&
            !name.equals("GMT-0800") &&
            !name.equals("GMT-800")) {

            errln("Fail: got '" + name + "', expected GMT-08:00 or something similar\n" +
                  "************************************************************\n" +
        // Now try a non-existent zone
        zone2 = new SimpleTimeZone(90*60*1000, "xyzzy");
        name = zone2.getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH);
        logln("GMT+90min->" + name);
        if (!name.equals("GMT+01:30") &&
            !name.equals("GMT+1:30") &&
            !name.equals("GMT+0130") &&
            errln("Fail: Expected GMT+01:30 or something similar");
        // cover getDisplayName() - null arg
        ULocale save = ULocale.getDefault();
        name = zone2.getDisplayName();
        logln("GMT+90min->" + name + "for default display locale");
        if (!name.equals("GMT+01:30") &&
            !name.equals("GMT+1:30") &&
            !name.equals("GMT+0130") &&
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    public void TestGenericAPI() {
        String id = "NewGMT";
        int offset = 12345;

        SimpleTimeZone zone = new SimpleTimeZone(offset, id);
        if (zone.useDaylightTime()) errln("FAIL: useDaylightTime should return false");

        TimeZone zoneclone = (TimeZone)zone.clone();
        if (!zoneclone.equals(zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator== failed");
        if (zoneclone.equals(zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator!= failed");
        // delete zoneclone;

        zoneclone = (TimeZone)zone.clone();
        if (!zoneclone.equals(zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator== failed");
        if (zoneclone.equals(zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator!= failed");

        // C++ only
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    public void TestRuleAPI()
        // ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;

        int offset = (int)(60*60*1000*1.75); // Pick a weird offset
        SimpleTimeZone zone = new SimpleTimeZone(offset, "TestZone");
        if (zone.useDaylightTime()) errln("FAIL: useDaylightTime should return false");

        // Establish our expected transition times.  Do this with a non-DST
        // calendar with the (above) declared local offset.
        GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(zone);
        gc.set(1990, Calendar.MARCH, 1);
        long marchOneStd = gc.getTime().getTime(); // Local Std time midnight
        gc.set(1990, Calendar.JULY, 1);
        long julyOneStd = gc.getTime().getTime(); // Local Std time midnight

        // Starting and ending hours, WALL TIME
        int startHour = (int)(2.25 * 3600000);
        int endHour   = (int)(3.5  * 3600000);

        zone.setStartRule(Calendar.MARCH, 1, 0, startHour);
        zone.setEndRule  (Calendar.JULY,  1, 0, endHour);

        gc = new GregorianCalendar(zone);
        // if (failure(status, "new GregorianCalendar")) return;

        long marchOne = marchOneStd + startHour;
        long julyOne = julyOneStd + endHour - 3600000; // Adjust from wall to Std time

        long expMarchOne = 636251400000L;
        if (marchOne != expMarchOne)
            errln("FAIL: Expected start computed as " + marchOne +
                  " = " + new Date(marchOne));
            logln("      Should be                  " + expMarchOne +
                  " = " + new Date(expMarchOne));

        long expJulyOne = 646793100000L;
        if (julyOne != expJulyOne)
            errln("FAIL: Expected start computed as " + julyOne +
                  " = " + new Date(julyOne));
            logln("      Should be                  " + expJulyOne +
                  " = " + new Date(expJulyOne));

        Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal1.set(1990, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
        Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal2.set(1990, Calendar.JUNE, 1);
        _testUsingBinarySearch(zone, cal1.getTimeInMillis(),
                               cal2.getTimeInMillis(), marchOne);
        cal1.set(1990, Calendar.JUNE, 1);
        cal2.set(1990, Calendar.DECEMBER, 31);
        _testUsingBinarySearch(zone, cal1.getTimeInMillis(),
                               cal2.getTimeInMillis(), julyOne);

        if (zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(marchOne - 1000)) ||
            !zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(marchOne)))
            errln("FAIL: Start rule broken");
        if (!zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(julyOne - 1000)) ||
            zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(julyOne)))
            errln("FAIL: End rule broken");

        if (zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(marchOne)) ||
            zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(julyOne - 1000)))
            errln("FAIL: Start year broken");

        // failure(status, "TestRuleAPI");
        // delete gc;
        // delete zone;
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    public void TestDSTSavings() {
        // It might be better to find a way to integrate this test into the main TimeZone
        // tests above, but I don't have time to figure out how to do this (or if it's
        // even really a good idea).  Let's consider that a future.  --rtg 1/27/98
        SimpleTimeZone tz = new SimpleTimeZone(-5 * millisPerHour, "dstSavingsTest",
                                               Calendar.MARCH, 1, 0, 0, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 1, 0, 0,
                                               (int)(0.5 * millisPerHour));

        if (tz.getRawOffset() != -5 * millisPerHour)
            errln("Got back a raw offset of " + (tz.getRawOffset() / millisPerHour) +
                  " hours instead of -5 hours.");
        if (!tz.useDaylightTime())
            errln("Test time zone should use DST but claims it doesn't.");
        if (tz.getDSTSavings() != 0.5 * millisPerHour)
            errln("Set DST offset to 0.5 hour, but got back " + (tz.getDSTSavings() /
                                                                 millisPerHour) + " hours instead.");

        int offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.JANUARY, 1,
                                  Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
        if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
            errln("The offset for 10 AM, 1/1/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got "
                  + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");

        offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.JUNE, 1, Calendar.MONDAY,
                              10 * millisPerHour);
        if (offset != -4.5 * millisPerHour)
            errln("The offset for 10 AM, 6/1/98 should have been -4.5 hours, but we got "
                  + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");

        offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.JANUARY, 1,
                              Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
        if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
            errln("The offset for 10 AM, 1/1/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got "
                  + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");

        offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.JUNE, 1, Calendar.MONDAY,
                              10 * millisPerHour);
        if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
            errln("The offset for 10 AM, 6/1/98 (with a 1-hour DST offset) should have been -4 hours, but we got "
                  + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
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    public void TestAlternateRules() {
        // Like TestDSTSavings, this test should probably be integrated somehow with the main
        // test at the top of this class, but I didn't have time to figure out how to do that.
        //                      --rtg 1/28/98

        SimpleTimeZone tz = new SimpleTimeZone(-5 * millisPerHour, "alternateRuleTest");

        // test the day-of-month API
        tz.setStartRule(Calendar.MARCH, 10, 12 * millisPerHour);
        tz.setEndRule(Calendar.OCTOBER, 20, 12 * millisPerHour);

        int offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.MARCH, 5,
                                  Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
        if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
            errln("The offset for 10AM, 3/5/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got "
                  + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");

        offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.MARCH, 15,
                              Calendar.SUNDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
        if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
            errln("The offset for 10AM, 3/15/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got "
                  + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");

        offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.OCTOBER, 15,
                              Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
        if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
            errln("The offset for 10AM, 10/15/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got "
                  + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");

        offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.OCTOBER, 25,
                              Calendar.SUNDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
        if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
            errln("The offset for 10AM, 10/25/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got "
                  + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");

        // test the day-of-week-after-day-in-month API
        tz.setStartRule(Calendar.MARCH, 10, Calendar.FRIDAY, 12 * millisPerHour, true);
        tz.setEndRule(Calendar.OCTOBER, 20, Calendar.FRIDAY, 12 * millisPerHour, false);

        offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.MARCH, 11,
                              Calendar.WEDNESDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
        if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
            errln("The offset for 10AM, 3/11/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got "
                  + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");

        offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.MARCH, 14,
                              Calendar.SATURDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
        if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
            errln("The offset for 10AM, 3/14/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got "
                  + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");

        offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.OCTOBER, 15,
                              Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
        if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
            errln("The offset for 10AM, 10/15/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got "
                  + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");

        offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.OCTOBER, 17,
                              Calendar.SATURDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
        if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
            errln("The offset for 10AM, 10/17/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got "
                  + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
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        // Set up TimeZone objects - OlsonTimeZone, SimpleTimeZone and RuleBasedTimeZone
        BasicTimeZone[] TESTZONES = new BasicTimeZone[3];

        TESTZONES[0] = (BasicTimeZone)TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles", TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU);
        TESTZONES[1] = new SimpleTimeZone(-8*HOUR, "Simple Pacific Time",
                                            Calendar.APRIL, 1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*HOUR,
                                            Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*HOUR);

        InitialTimeZoneRule ir = new InitialTimeZoneRule(
                "Pacific Standard Time", // Initial time Name
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        long current = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (current < finalMillis) {
            SimpleTimeZone stz = new SimpleTimeZone(offsetMillis, getID());

            boolean bDst = useDaylightTime();
            if (bDst) {
                TimeZoneRule[] currentRules = getSimpleTimeZoneRulesNear(current);
                if (currentRules.length != 3) {
                    // DST was observed at the beginning of this year, so useDaylightTime
                    // returned true.  getSimpleTimeZoneRulesNear requires at least one
                    // future transition for making a pair of rules.  This implementation
                    // rolls back the time before the latest offset transition.
                    TimeZoneTransition tzt = getPreviousTransition(current, false);
                    if (tzt != null) {
                        currentRules = getSimpleTimeZoneRulesNear(tzt.getTime() - 1);
                if (currentRules.length == 3
                        && (currentRules[1] instanceof AnnualTimeZoneRule)
                        && (currentRules[2] instanceof AnnualTimeZoneRule)) {
                    // A pair of AnnualTimeZoneRule
                    AnnualTimeZoneRule r1 = (AnnualTimeZoneRule)currentRules[1];
                    AnnualTimeZoneRule r2 = (AnnualTimeZoneRule)currentRules[2];
                    DateTimeRule start, end;
                    int offset1 = r1.getRawOffset() + r1.getDSTSavings();
                    int offset2 = r2.getRawOffset() + r2.getDSTSavings();
                    int sav;
                    if (offset1 > offset2) {
                        start = r1.getRule();
                        end = r2.getRule();
                        sav = offset1 - offset2;
                    } else {
                        start = r2.getRule();
                        end = r1.getRule();
                        sav = offset2 - offset1;
                    // getSimpleTimeZoneRulesNear always return rules using DOW / WALL_TIME
                    stz.setStartRule(start.getRuleMonth(), start.getRuleWeekInMonth(), start.getRuleDayOfWeek(),
                    stz.setEndRule(end.getRuleMonth(), end.getRuleWeekInMonth(), end.getRuleDayOfWeek(),
                    // set DST saving amount and start year
                } else {
                    // This could only happen if last rule is DST
                    // and the rule used forever.  For example, Asia/Dhaka
                    // in tzdata2009i stays in DST forever.

                    // Hack - set DST starting at midnight on Jan 1st,
                    // ending 23:59:59.999 on Dec 31st
                    stz.setStartRule(0, 1, 0);
                    stz.setEndRule(11, 31, Grego.MILLIS_PER_DAY - 1);

            int[] fields = Grego.timeToFields(current, null);
            finalYear = fields[0] - 1; // finalYear is (year of finalMillis) - 1
            finalMillis = Grego.fieldsToDay(fields[0], 0, 1);

            if (bDst) {
                // we probably do not need to set start year of final rule
                // to finalzone itself, but we always do this for now.

            finalZone = stz;

        } else {
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                // 3, 1, -1, 7200, 0, 9, -31, -1, 7200, 0, 3600
                data = r.getIntVector();
                if ( data.length == 11) {
                    //U_DEBUG_TZ_MSG(("zone%s, rule%s: {%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d}", zKey, ures_getKey(r),
                      //            data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7], data[8], data[9], data[10]));
                    finalZone = new SimpleTimeZone(rawOffset, "",
                        data[0], data[1], data[2],
                        data[3] * Grego.MILLIS_PER_SECOND,
                        data[5], data[6], data[7],
                        data[8] * Grego.MILLIS_PER_SECOND,
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     * @param args - the command line arguments.
    public static void main(String[] args)
        TimeZone utc = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "UTC");

        // Jitterbug 5211: .Net System.DateTime uses the proleptic calendar,
        // while ICU by default uses the Julian calendar before 1582.
        // Original code: Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(utc, Locale.ENGLISH);
        // Use a proleptic Gregorian calendar for 0001AD and later by setting
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