private static final String kMILLIS = "MILLIS=";
private static final String kRELATIVE_MILLIS = "RELATIVE_MILLIS=";
private static final String kRELATIVE_ADD = "RELATIVE_ADD:";
private void testConvertDate(TestDataModule.TestData testData, DataMap settings, boolean fmt) {
DateFormat basicFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd yyyy / YYYY'-W'ww-ee");
int n = 0;
for (Iterator iter = testData.getDataIterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
DataMap currentCase = (DataMap);
String caseString = "["+testData.getName()+"#"+n+(fmt?"format":"parse")+"]";
String locale = currentCase.getString("locale");
String spec = currentCase.getString("spec");
String date = currentCase.getString("date");
String str = currentCase.getString("str");
Date fromDate = null;
boolean useDate = false;
ULocale loc = new ULocale(locale);
String pattern = null;
// boolean usePattern = false;
DateFormat format = null;
DateTimeStyleSet styleSet;
CalendarFieldsSet fromSet = null;
// parse 'spec' - either 'PATTERN=yy mm dd' or 'DATE=x,TIME=y'
if(spec.startsWith(kPATTERN)) {
pattern = spec.substring(kPATTERN.length());
// usePattern = true;
format = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, loc);
} else {
styleSet = new DateTimeStyleSet();
format = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(styleSet.getDateStyle(), styleSet.getTimeStyle(), loc);
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(loc);
// parse 'date' - either 'MILLIS=12345' or a CalendarFieldsSet
if(date.startsWith(kMILLIS)) {
useDate = true;
fromDate = new Date(Long.parseLong(date.substring(kMILLIS.length())));
} else if(date.startsWith(kRELATIVE_MILLIS)) {
useDate = true;
fromDate = new Date(now+Long.parseLong(date.substring(kRELATIVE_MILLIS.length())));
} else if(date.startsWith(kRELATIVE_ADD)) {
String add = date.substring(kRELATIVE_ADD.length()); // "add" is a string indicating which fields to add
CalendarFieldsSet addSet = new CalendarFieldsSet();
useDate = true;
/// perform op on 'to calendar'
for (int q=0; q<addSet.fieldCount(); q++) {
if (addSet.isSet(q)) {
fromDate = cal.getTime();
} else {
fromSet = new CalendarFieldsSet();
// run the test
if(fmt) {
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
FieldPosition pos = new FieldPosition(0);
if(useDate) {
output = format.format(fromDate, output, pos);
} else {
format.format(cal, output, pos);
if(output.toString().equals(str)) {
logln(caseString + " Success - strings match: " + output);
} else {
errln(caseString + " FAIL: got " + output + " expected " + str);
} else { // parse
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
format.parse(str, cal, pos);
if(useDate) {
Date gotDate = cal.getTime();
if(gotDate.equals(fromDate)) {
logln(caseString + " SUCCESS: got=parse="+str);
} else {
errln(caseString + " FAIL: parsed " + str + " but got " +
basicFmt.format(gotDate) + " - " + gotDate + " expected " +
} else {
CalendarFieldsSet diffSet = new CalendarFieldsSet();
if(!fromSet.matches(cal, diffSet)) {
String diffs = diffSet.diffFrom(fromSet);