* In particular, the test will have to be rewritten to instantiate
* a Calendar in the given locale (using getInstance()) and call
* that Calendar's isWeekend() etc. methods.
public void TestWeekend() {
SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd yyyy G HH:mm:ss.SSS");
// This test tests for specific locale data. This is probably okay
// as far as US data is concerned, but if the Arabic/Yemen data
// changes, this test will have to be updated.
// Test specific days
Object[] DATA1 = {
Locale.US, new int[] { // Saturday:Sunday
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 17, 23, 0, 0, // Fri 23:00
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 18, 0, -1, 0, // Fri 23:59:59.999
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 18, 0, 0, 1, // Sat 00:00
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 18, 15, 0, 1, // Sat 15:00
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 19, 23, 0, 1, // Sun 23:00
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 20, 0, -1, 1, // Sun 23:59:59.999
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 20, 0, 0, 0, // Mon 00:00
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 20, 8, 0, 0, // Mon 08:00
new Locale("ar", "YE"), new int[] { // Thursday:Friday
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 15, 23, 0, 0, // Wed 23:00
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 16, 0, -1, 0, // Wed 23:59:59.999
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 16, 0, 0, 1, // Thu 00:00
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 16, 15, 0, 1, // Thu 15:00
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 17, 23, 0, 1, // Fri 23:00
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 18, 0, -1, 1, // Fri 23:59:59.999
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 18, 0, 0, 0, // Sat 00:00
2000, Calendar.MARCH, 18, 8, 0, 0, // Sat 08:00
// Test days of the week
Object[] DATA2 = {
Locale.US, new int[] {
Calendar.MONDAY, Calendar.WEEKDAY,
Calendar.FRIDAY, Calendar.WEEKDAY,
Calendar.SATURDAY, Calendar.WEEKEND,
Calendar.SUNDAY, Calendar.WEEKEND_CEASE,
new Locale("ar", "YE"), new int[] { // Thursday:Friday
Calendar.SATURDAY, Calendar.WEEKDAY,
Calendar.THURSDAY, Calendar.WEEKEND,
Calendar.FRIDAY, Calendar.WEEKEND_CEASE,
// We only test the getDayOfWeekType() and isWeekend() APIs.
// The getWeekendTransition() API is tested indirectly via the
// isWeekend() API, which calls it.
for (int i1=0; i1<DATA1.length; i1+=2) {
Locale loc = (Locale)DATA1[i1];
int[] data = (int[]) DATA1[i1+1];
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(loc);
logln("Locale: " + loc);
for (int i=0; i<data.length; i+=6) {
cal.set(data[i], data[i+1], data[i+2], data[i+3], 0, 0);
if (data[i+4] != 0) {
cal.setTime(new Date(cal.getTime().getTime() + data[i+4]));
boolean isWeekend = cal.isWeekend();
boolean ok = isWeekend == (data[i+5] != 0);
if (ok) {
logln("Ok: " + fmt.format(cal.getTime()) + " isWeekend=" + isWeekend);
} else {
errln("FAIL: " + fmt.format(cal.getTime()) + " isWeekend=" + isWeekend +
", expected=" + (!isWeekend));