{ // Taken from Test4031438().
String pattern1 = "Impossible {arg1} has occurred -- status code is {arg0} and message is {arg2}.";
String pattern2 = "Double '' Quotes {ARG_ZERO} test and quoted '{ARG_ONE}' test plus 'other {ARG_TWO} stuff'.";
MessageFormat messageFormatter = new MessageFormat("");
try {
logln("Apply with pattern : " + pattern1);
HashMap paramsMap = new HashMap();
paramsMap.put("arg0", new Integer(7));
String tempBuffer = messageFormatter.format(paramsMap);
if (!tempBuffer.equals("Impossible {arg1} has occurred -- status code is 7 and message is {arg2}."))
errln("Tests arguments < substitution failed");
logln("Formatted with 7 : " + tempBuffer);
ParsePosition status = new ParsePosition(0);
Map objs = messageFormatter.parseToMap(tempBuffer, status);
if (objs.get("arg1") != null || objs.get("arg2") != null)
errln("Parse failed with more than expected arguments");
for (Iterator keyIter = objs.keySet().iterator();
keyIter.hasNext();) {
String key = (String) keyIter.next();
if (objs.get(key) != null && !objs.get(key).toString().equals(paramsMap.get(key).toString())) {
errln("Parse failed on object " + objs.get(key) + " with argument name : " + key );
tempBuffer = messageFormatter.format(null);
if (!tempBuffer.equals("Impossible {arg1} has occurred -- status code is {arg0} and message is {arg2}."))
errln("Tests with no arguments failed");
logln("Formatted with null : " + tempBuffer);
logln("Apply with pattern : " + pattern2);
paramsMap.put("ARG_ZERO", new Integer(7));
tempBuffer = messageFormatter.format(paramsMap);
if (!tempBuffer.equals("Double ' Quotes 7 test and quoted {ARG_ONE} test plus other {ARG_TWO} stuff."))
errln("quote format test (w/ params) failed.");
logln("Formatted with params : " + tempBuffer);
tempBuffer = messageFormatter.format(null);
if (!tempBuffer.equals("Double ' Quotes {ARG_ZERO} test and quoted {ARG_ONE} test plus other {ARG_TWO} stuff."))
errln("quote format test (w/ null) failed.");
logln("Formatted with null : " + tempBuffer);
logln("toPattern : " + messageFormatter.toPattern());
} catch (Exception foo) {
warnln("Exception when formatting in bug 4031438. "+foo.getMessage());
}{ // Taken from Test4052223().
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
if (pos.getErrorIndex() != -1) {
errln("ParsePosition.getErrorIndex initialization failed.");
MessageFormat fmt = new MessageFormat("There are {numberOfApples} apples growing on the {whatKindOfTree} tree.");
String str = new String("There is one apple growing on the peach tree.");
Map objs = fmt.parseToMap(str, pos);
logln("unparsable string , should fail at " + pos.getErrorIndex());
if (pos.getErrorIndex() == -1)
errln("Bug 4052223 failed : parsing string " + str);
if (pos.getErrorIndex() != 4)
errln("setErrorIndex failed, got " + pos.getErrorIndex() + " instead of 4");
if (objs != null)
errln("unparsable string, should return null");
}{ // Taken from Test4111739().
MessageFormat format1 = null;
MessageFormat format2 = null;
ObjectOutputStream ostream = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
ObjectInputStream istream = null;
try {
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ostream = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
} catch(IOException e) {
errln("Unexpected exception : " + e.getMessage());
try {
format1 = new MessageFormat("pattern{argument}");
byte bytes[] = baos.toByteArray();
istream = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
format2 = (MessageFormat)istream.readObject();
} catch(Exception e) {
errln("Unexpected exception : " + e.getMessage());
if (!format1.equals(format2)) {
errln("MessageFormats before and after serialization are not" +
" equal\nformat1 = " + format1 + "(" + format1.toPattern() + ")\nformat2 = " +
format2 + "(" + format2.toPattern() + ")");
} else {
logln("Serialization for MessageFormat is OK.");
}{ // Taken from Test4116444().
String[] patterns = {"", "one", "{namedArgument,date,short}"};
MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("");
for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
String pattern = patterns[i];
try {
Map objs = mf.parseToMap(null, new ParsePosition(0));
logln("pattern: \"" + pattern + "\"");
log(" parsedObjects: ");
if (objs != null) {
for (Iterator keyIter = objs.keySet().iterator();
keyIter.hasNext();) {
String key = (String)keyIter.next();
if (objs.get(key) != null) {
err("\"" + objs.get(key).toString() + "\"");
} else {
if (keyIter.hasNext()) {
log("}") ;
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("pattern: \"" + pattern + "\"");
errln(" Exception: " + e.getMessage());
}{ // Taken from Test4114739().
MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("<{arg}>");
Map objs1 = null;
Map objs2 = new HashMap();
Map objs3 = new HashMap();
objs3.put("arg", null);
try {
logln("pattern: \"" + mf.toPattern() + "\"");
log("format(null) : ");
logln("\"" + mf.format(objs1) + "\"");
log("format({}) : ");
logln("\"" + mf.format(objs2) + "\"");
log("format({null}) :");
logln("\"" + mf.format(objs3) + "\"");
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Exception thrown for null argument tests.");
}{ // Taken from Test4118594().
String argName = "something_stupid";
MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("{"+ argName + "}, {" + argName + "}, {" + argName + "}");
String forParsing = "x, y, z";
Map objs = mf.parseToMap(forParsing, new ParsePosition(0));
logln("pattern: \"" + mf.toPattern() + "\"");
logln("text for parsing: \"" + forParsing + "\"");
if (!objs.get(argName).toString().equals("z"))
errln("argument0: \"" + objs.get(argName) + "\"");
mf.applyPattern("{" + argName + ",number,#.##}, {" + argName + ",number,#.#}");
Map oldobjs = new HashMap();
oldobjs.put(argName, new Double(3.1415));
String result = mf.format( oldobjs );
logln("pattern: \"" + mf.toPattern() + "\"");
logln("text for parsing: \"" + result + "\"");
// result now equals "3.14, 3.1"
if (!result.equals("3.14, 3.1"))
errln("result = " + result);
Map newobjs = mf.parseToMap(result, new ParsePosition(0));
// newobjs now equals {new Double(3.1)}
if (((Number)newobjs.get(argName)).doubleValue() != 3.1) // was (Double) [alan]
errln( "newobjs.get(argName) = " + newobjs.get(argName));
}{ // Taken from Test4105380().
String patternText1 = "The disk \"{diskName}\" contains {numberOfFiles}.";
String patternText2 = "There are {numberOfFiles} on the disk \"{diskName}\"";
MessageFormat form1 = new MessageFormat(patternText1);
MessageFormat form2 = new MessageFormat(patternText2);
double[] filelimits = {0,1,2};
String[] filepart = {"no files","one file","{numberOfFiles,number} files"};
ChoiceFormat fileform = new ChoiceFormat(filelimits, filepart);
form1.setFormat(1, fileform);
form2.setFormat(0, fileform);
Map testArgs = new HashMap();
testArgs.put("diskName", "MyDisk");
testArgs.put("numberOfFiles", new Long(12373));
}{ // Taken from test4293229().
MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat("'''{'myNamedArgument}'' '''{myNamedArgument}'''");
Map args = new HashMap();
String expected = "'{myNamedArgument}' '{myNamedArgument}'";
String result = format.format(args);
if (!result.equals(expected)) {
throw new RuntimeException("wrong format result - expected \"" +
expected + "\", got \"" + result + "\"");