
Examples of$AttributeAndPosition


    public void TestParse()
        String msgFormatString = "{0} =sep= {1}";
        MessageFormat msg = new MessageFormat(msgFormatString);
        String source = "abc =sep= def";

        try {
            Object[] fmt_arr = msg.parse(source);
            if (fmt_arr.length != 2) {
                errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, count, err) count err.");
            } else {
                // TODO: This if statement seems to be redundant. [tschumann]
                if (fmt_arr.length != 2) {
                    errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) count err.");
                } else {
                    assertEquals("parse()[0]", "abc", fmt_arr[0]);
                    assertEquals("parse()[1]", "def", fmt_arr[1]);
        } catch (ParseException e1) {
            errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, count, err) error.");

        ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0);

        Object[] fmt_arr = msg.parse(source, pp);
        if (pp.getIndex()==0 || fmt_arr==null) {
            errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) error.");
        } else {
            if (fmt_arr.length != 2) {
                errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) count err.");
            } else {
                assertEquals("parse()[0]", "abc", fmt_arr[0]);
                assertEquals("parse()[1]", "def", fmt_arr[1]);

        Object[] fmta;

        fmta = (Object[]) msg.parseObject( source, pp );
        if (pp.getIndex() == 0) {
            errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, Object, parsepos ) error.");
        } else {
            if (fmta.length != 2) {
                errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, count, err) count err.");
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    public void TestAdopt()
        String formatStr = "{0,date},{1},{2,number}";
        String formatStrChange = "{0,number},{1,number},{2,date}";
        MessageFormat msg = new MessageFormat(formatStr);
        MessageFormat msgCmp = new MessageFormat(formatStr);
        Format[] formats = msg.getFormats();
        Format[] formatsCmp = msgCmp.getFormats();
        Format[] formatsChg = null;
        Format[] formatsAct = null;
        Format a = null;
        Format b = null;
        Format[] formatsToAdopt = null;

        if (formats==null || formatsCmp==null || (formats.length <= 0) || (formats.length != formatsCmp.length)) {
            errln("Error getting Formats");

        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < formats.length; i++) {
            a = formats[i];
            b = formatsCmp[i];
            if ((a != null) && (b != null)) {
                if (!a.equals(b)) {
                    errln("a != b");
            } else if ((a != null) || (b != null)) {
                errln("(a != null) || (b != null)");

        msg.applyPattern( formatStrChange ); //set msg formats to something different
        formatsChg = msg.getFormats(); // tested function
        if (formatsChg==null || (formatsChg.length != formats.length)) {
            errln("Error getting Formats");

        boolean diff;
        diff = true;
        for (i = 0; i < formats.length; i++) {
            a = formatsChg[i];
            b = formatsCmp[i];
            if ((a != null) && (b != null)) {
                if (a.equals(b)) {
                    logln("formatsChg == formatsCmp at index " + i);
                    diff = false;
        if (!diff) {
            errln("*** MSG getFormats diff err.");

        logln("MSG getFormats tested.");

        msg.setFormats( formatsCmp ); //tested function

        formatsAct = msg.getFormats();
        if (formatsAct==null || (formatsAct.length <=0) || (formatsAct.length != formatsCmp.length)) {
            errln("Error getting Formats");

        assertEquals("msgCmp.toPattern()", formatStr, msgCmp.toPattern());
        assertEquals("msg.toPattern()", formatStr, msg.toPattern());

        for (i = 0; i < formatsAct.length; i++) {
            a = formatsAct[i];
            b = formatsCmp[i];
            if ((a != null) && (b != null)) {
                if (!a.equals(b)) {
                    errln("formatsAct != formatsCmp at index " + i);
            } else if ((a != null) || (b != null)) {
                errln("(a != null) || (b != null)");
        logln("MSG setFormats tested.");


        msg.applyPattern( formatStrChange ); //set msg formats to something different

        formatsToAdopt = new Format[formatsCmp.length];
        if (formatsToAdopt==null) {
            errln("memory allocation error");

        for (i = 0; i < formatsCmp.length; i++) {
            if (formatsCmp[i] == null) {
                formatsToAdopt[i] = null;
            } else {
                formatsToAdopt[i] = (Format) formatsCmp[i].clone();
                if (formatsToAdopt[i]==null) {
                    errln("Can't clone format at index " + i);
        msg.setFormats( formatsToAdopt ); // function to test

        assertEquals("msgCmp.toPattern()", formatStr, msgCmp.toPattern());
        assertEquals("msg.toPattern()", formatStr, msg.toPattern());

        formatsAct = msg.getFormats();
        if (formatsAct==null || (formatsAct.length <=0) || (formatsAct.length != formatsCmp.length)) {
            errln("Error getting Formats");

        for (i = 0; i < formatsAct.length; i++) {
            a = formatsAct[i];
            b = formatsCmp[i];
            if ((a != null) && (b != null)) {
                if (!a.equals(b)) {
                    errln("a != b");
            } else if ((a != null) || (b != null)) {
                errln("(a != null) || (b != null)");
        logln("MSG adoptFormats tested.");

        //---- adoptFormat

        msg.applyPattern( formatStrChange ); //set msg formats to something different

        formatsToAdopt = new Format[formatsCmp.length];
        if (formatsToAdopt==null) {
            errln("memory allocation error");

        for (i = 0; i < formatsCmp.length; i++) {
            if (formatsCmp[i] == null) {
                formatsToAdopt[i] = null;
            } else {
                formatsToAdopt[i] = (Format) formatsCmp[i].clone();
                if (formatsToAdopt[i]==null) {
                    errln("Can't clone format at index " + i);

        for ( i = 0; i < formatsCmp.length; i++ ) {
            msg.setFormat( i, formatsToAdopt[i] ); // function to test

        assertEquals("msgCmp.toPattern()", formatStr, msgCmp.toPattern());
        assertEquals("msg.toPattern()", formatStr, msg.toPattern());

        formatsAct = msg.getFormats();
        if (formatsAct==null || (formatsAct.length <=0) || (formatsAct.length != formatsCmp.length)) {
            errln("Error getting Formats");
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            "there were {1,number} werjes "+
            "(a {3,number,percent} increase over {2,number}) "+
            "despite the {4}''s efforts "+
            "and to delight of {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, and {10} {11}.";
        try {
            MessageFormat msg = new MessageFormat(pattern);

            final Object ARGS[] = {
                new Date(10000000000000L),
                new Integer(1303),
                new Integer(1202),
                new Double(1303.0/1202 - 1),
                "the printers",
                "his father",
                "his mother",
                "the spiddles",
                "of course",

            String expected =
                "On Nov 20, 2286 (aka 11/20/86, aka November 20, 2286) "+
                "at 9:46:40 AM (aka 9:46 AM, aka 9:46:40 AM PST) "+
                "there were 1,303 werjes "+
                "(a 8% increase over 1,202) "+
                "despite the Glimmung's efforts "+
                "and to delight of the printers, Nick, his father, "+
                "his mother, the spiddles, and of course Horace.";
            assertEquals("format", expected, msg.format(ARGS));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {
            errln("FAIL: constructor failed");
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        final NumberFormat numFmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale);
        Object[] args = new Object[1];
        Number num = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < formats.length; ++i) {
            MessageFormat fmt = new MessageFormat(formats[i], locale);
            logln("Testing format pattern: '" + formats[i] + "'");
            for (int j = 0; j < values.length; ++j) {
                try {
                    num = numFmt.parse(values[j]);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("failed to parse test argument");
                args[0] = num;
                String result = fmt.format(args);
                logln("value: " + num + " --> " + result);

                if (i != 3) { // TODO: fix this, for now skip ordinal parsing (format string at index 3)
                    try {
                        Object[] parsedArgs = fmt.parse(result);
                        if (parsedArgs.length != 1) {
                            errln("parse returned " + parsedArgs.length + " args");
                        } else if (!parsedArgs[0].equals(num)) {
                            errln("parsed argument " + parsedArgs[0] + " != " + num);
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        String compareStr3 = "At <time> on 08.08.1997, you made a deposit of ";
        compareStr3 += "456,83\u00a0";
        compareStr3 += '\u00a4';
        compareStr3 += ".";

        MessageFormat msg = new MessageFormat(formatStr, ULocale.US);
        FieldPosition pos = new FieldPosition(0);
        result = msg.format(
        assertEquals("format", compareStr, result.toString());

        // constructs a Format array with a English-style Currency formatter
        //                            and a German-style Date formatter
        //      might not meaningful, just for testing setFormatsByArgIndex
        Format[] fmts = new Format[] {
            DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, ULocale.GERMAN)

        pos = new FieldPosition(0);
        result = msg.format(
        assertEquals("format", compareStr2, result.toString());

        // Construct a German-style Currency formatter, replace the corresponding one
        // Thus both formatters should format objects with German-style
        Format newFmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(ULocale.GERMAN);
        msg.setFormatByArgumentIndex(0, newFmt);
        pos = new FieldPosition(0);
        result = msg.format(
        assertEquals("format", compareStr3, result.toString());

        // verify getFormatsByArgumentIndex
        //   you should got three formats by that
        //          - DecimalFormat     locale: de
        //          - SimpleDateFormat  locale: de
        //          - null
        Format[] fmts2 = msg.getFormatsByArgumentIndex();
        assertEquals("1st subformmater: Format Class", "", fmts2[0].getClass().getName());
        assertEquals("1st subformmater: its Locale", ULocale.GERMAN, ((UFormat)fmts2[0]).getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE));
        assertEquals("2nd subformatter: Format Class", "", fmts2[1].getClass().getName());
        assertEquals("2nd subformmater: its Locale", ULocale.GERMAN, ((UFormat)fmts2[1]).getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE));
        assertTrue("The third subFormatter is null", null == fmts2[2]);
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        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        String formatStr = "On {startDate,date}, it began.";
        String compareStr = "On Aug 8, 1997, it began.";

        MessageFormat msg = new MessageFormat(formatStr);
        FieldPosition fp = new FieldPosition(0);

        try {
            msg.format(arguments.get("startDate"), result, fp);
            errln("*** MSG format without expected error code.");
        } catch (Exception e1) {

        result = msg.format(
        assertEquals("format", compareStr, result.toString());
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    // This tests parsing formatted messages with named arguments instead of
    // numbers.
    public void testParseNamedArguments() {
        String msgFormatString = "{foo} =sep= {bar}";
        MessageFormat msg = new MessageFormat(msgFormatString);
        String source = "abc =sep= def";

        try {
            Map fmt_map = msg.parseToMap(source);
            if (fmt_map.keySet().size() != 2) {
                errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, count, err) count err.");
            } else {
                assertEquals("parse()[0]", "abc", fmt_map.get("foo"));
                assertEquals("parse()[1]", "def", fmt_map.get("bar"));
        } catch (ParseException e1) {
            errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, count, err) error.");

        ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0);
        Map fmt_map = msg.parseToMap(source, pp);
        if (pp.getIndex()==0 || fmt_map==null) {
            errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) error.");
        } else {
            if (fmt_map.keySet().size() != 2) {
                errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) count err.");
            } else {
                assertEquals("parse()[0]", "abc", fmt_map.get("foo"));
                assertEquals("parse()[1]", "def", fmt_map.get("bar"));

        Map fmta = (Map) msg.parseObject( source, pp );
        if (pp.getIndex() == 0) {
            errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, Object, parsepos ) error.");
        } else {
            if (fmta.keySet().size() != 2) {
                errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, count, err) count err.");
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        myMsgFormat = aMsgFmt;
        myDurationFormat = aNumFmt;

    public ElapsedTimer(String pattern) {
        myMsgFormat = new MessageFormat(pattern);
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    public ElapsedTimer(String pattern) {
        myMsgFormat = new MessageFormat(pattern);

    public ElapsedTimer(String pattern, NumberFormat aNumFmt) {
        myMsgFormat = new MessageFormat(pattern);
        myDurationFormat = aNumFmt;
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    // Ensure that methods designed for numeric arguments only, will throw
    // an exception when called on MessageFormat objects created with
    // named arguments.
    public void testNumericOnlyMethods() {
        MessageFormat msg = new MessageFormat("Number of files: {numfiles}");
        boolean gotException = false;
        try {
            Format fmts[] = {new DecimalFormat()};
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            gotException = true;
        if (!gotException) {
            errln("MessageFormat.setFormatsByArgumentIndex() should throw an " +
                  "IllegalArgumentException when called on formats with " +
                  "named arguments but did not!");
        gotException = false;
        try {
            msg.setFormatByArgumentIndex(0, new DecimalFormat());
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            gotException = true;
        if (!gotException) {
            errln("MessageFormat.setFormatByArgumentIndex() should throw an " +
                  "IllegalArgumentException when called on formats with " +
                  "named arguments but did not!");
        gotException = false;
        try {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            gotException = true;
        if (!gotException) {
            errln("MessageFormat.getFormatsByArgumentIndex() should throw an " +
                  "IllegalArgumentException when called on formats with " +
                  "named arguments but did not!");
        gotException = false;
        try {
            Object args[] = {new Long(42)};
            msg.format(args, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            gotException = true;
        if (!gotException) {
            errln("MessageFormat.format(Object[], StringBuffer, FieldPosition) " +
                  "should throw an IllegalArgumentException when called on " +
                  "formats with named arguments but did not!");
        gotException = false;
        try {
            Object args[] = {new Long(42)};
            msg.format((Object) args, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            gotException = true;
        if (!gotException) {
            errln("MessageFormat.format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) " +
                  "should throw an IllegalArgumentException when called with " +
                  "non-Map object as argument on formats with named " +
                  "arguments but did not!");
        gotException = false;
        try {
            msg.parse("Number of files: 5", new ParsePosition(0));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            gotException = true;
        if (!gotException) {
            errln("MessageFormat.parse(String, ParsePosition) " +
                  "should throw an IllegalArgumentException when called with " +
                  "non-Map object as argument on formats with named " +
                  "arguments but did not!");
        gotException = false;
        try {
            msg.parse("Number of files: 5");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            gotException = true;
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            errln("Wrong exception thrown.");
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Related Classes of$AttributeAndPosition

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