public void doTestCases(TestCase[] cases, Calendar cal)
// Get a format to use for printing dates in the calendar system we're testing
DateFormat format = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(cal, DateFormat.SHORT, -1, Locale.getDefault());
final String pattern = (cal instanceof ChineseCalendar) ?
"E MMl/dd/y G HH:mm:ss.S z" :
"E, MM/dd/yyyy G HH:mm:ss.S z";
// This format is used for printing Gregorian dates.
DateFormat gregFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
GregorianCalendar pureGreg = new GregorianCalendar(UTC);
pureGreg.setGregorianChange(new Date(Long.MIN_VALUE));
DateFormat pureGregFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("E M/d/yyyy G");
// Now iterate through the test cases and see what happens
for (int i = 0; i < cases.length; i++)
logln("\ntest case: " + i);
TestCase test = cases[i];
// First we want to make sure that the millis -> fields calculation works
// test.applyTime will call setTime() on the calendar object, and
// test.fieldsEqual will retrieve all of the field values and make sure
// that they're the same as the ones in the testcase
if (!test.fieldsEqual(cal, this)) {
errln("Fail: (millis=>fields) " +
gregFormat.format(test.getTime()) + " => " +
format.format(cal.getTime()) +
", expected " + test);
// If that was OK, check the fields -> millis calculation
// test.applyFields will set all of the calendar's fields to
// match those in the test case.
if (!test.equals(cal)) {
errln("Fail: (fields=>millis) " + test + " => " +
pureGregFmt.format(cal.getTime()) +
", expected " + pureGregFmt.format(test.getTime()));