// Check pointers.
int limit = (count == 0) ? 0 : count+1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < limit ; i++ )
Record min1 = min ;
Record max1 = max ;
BPTreePage n = get(i, READ) ;
if ( i != count )
Record keySubTree = n.getHighRecord() ; // high key in immediate child
Record keyHere = records.get(i) ; // key in this
if ( keySubTree == null )
error("Node: %d: Can't get high record from %d", id, n.getId()) ;
if ( keySubTree.getKey() == null )
error("Node: %d: Can't get high record is missing it's key from %d", id, n.getId()) ;
if ( keyHere == null )
error("Node: %d: record is null", id) ;
if ( keyHere.getKey() == null )
error("Node: %d: Record key is null", id) ;
if ( keyGT(keySubTree, keyHere) )
error("Node: %d: Child key %s is greater than this key %s", id, keySubTree, keyHere) ;
Record keyMax = n.maxRecord() ; // max key in subTree
Record keyMin = n.minRecord() ;
if ( keyNE(keyHere, keyMax) )
error("Node: %d: Key %s is not the max [%s] of the sub-tree idx=%d", id, keyHere, keyMax, i) ;
if ( min != null && keyGT(min, keyMin) )