Package com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.base.file

Examples of com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.base.file.MetaFile$ComparatorKeys

         * tdb.cache.blockread.size=10000
         * tdb.synctick=100000
        String propertiesFile = "" ;
        MetaFile metafile = locationMetadata(location) ;
        // dupulicate
        Properties config = new Properties(globalConfig) ;
        boolean localProperties = false ;
        if ( location.exists(propertiesFile) )
            // Load now to test for errors.
            localProperties = true ;
            try { PropertyUtils.loadFromFile(config, propertiesFile) ; }
            catch (IOException ex) { throw new TDBException(ex) ; }
        // Only support this so far.
        if ( ! metafile.propertyEquals("tdb.layout", "v1") )
            SetupTDB_OLD.error(log, "Excepted 'v1': Wrong layout: "+metafile.getProperty("tdb.layout")) ;
        if ( ! metafile.propertyEquals("tdb.type", "standalone") )
            SetupTDB_OLD.error(log, "Not marked as a standalone type: "+metafile.getProperty("tdb.type")) ;

        // Check expectations.
        metafile.checkOrSetMetadata("tdb.nodeid.size", Integer.toString(SizeOfNodeId)) ;
        metafile.checkOrSetMetadata("tdb.node.hashsize", Integer.toString(LenNodeHash)) ;
        metafile.checkOrSetMetadata("tdb.record.triple", Integer.toString(LenIndexTripleRecord)) ;
        metafile.checkOrSetMetadata("tdb.record.quad",   Integer.toString(LenIndexQuadRecord)) ;
        // ---------------------
        // ---- Logical structure

        // -- Node Table.
        String indexNode2Id = metafile.getProperty("tdb.nodetable.mapping.node2id") ;
        String indexId2Node = metafile.getProperty("tdb.nodetable.mapping.id2node") ;
        String nodesdata = metafile.getProperty("") ;
        log.debug("Object table: "+indexNode2Id+" - "+indexId2Node) ;
        int n2idCacheSize = PropertyUtils.getPropertyAsInteger(config, Names.pNode2NodeIdCacheSize) ;
        int id2nCacheSize = PropertyUtils.getPropertyAsInteger(config, Names.pNodeId2NodeCacheSize) ;
        int nodeMissCacheSize = PropertyUtils.getPropertyAsInteger(config, Names.pNodeMissesCacheSize) ;
        // Cache sizes should come from
        NodeTable nodeTable = makeNodeTable(location,
                                            indexNode2Id, n2idCacheSize,
                                            indexId2Node, id2nCacheSize,
                                            nodeMissCacheSize) ;

        DatasetControl policy = createConcurrencyPolicy() ;
        TripleTable tripleTable = makeTripleTable(location, config, nodeTable,
                                                  Names.primaryIndexTriples, Names.tripleIndexes, policy) ;
        QuadTable quadTable = makeQuadTable(location, config, nodeTable,
                                            Names.primaryIndexQuads, Names.quadIndexes, policy) ;

        DatasetPrefixesTDB prefixes = makePrefixes(location, config, policy) ;

        // ---- Create the DatasetGraph object
        StoreConfig storeConfig = new StoreConfig(location, null, null, null, null) ;
        DatasetGraphTDB dsg = new DatasetGraphTDB(tripleTable, quadTable, prefixes, chooseOptimizer(location), storeConfig) ;

        // Finalize
        metafile.flush() ;
        // Set TDB features.
        if ( localProperties )
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    protected static DatasetControl createConcurrencyPolicy() { return new DatasetControlMRSW() ; }
    public static TripleTable makeTripleTable(Location location, Properties config, NodeTable nodeTable, String dftPrimary, String[] dftIndexes, DatasetControl policy)
        MetaFile metafile = location.getMetaFile() ;
        String primary = metafile.getOrSetDefault("tdb.indexes.triples.primary", dftPrimary) ;
        String x = metafile.getOrSetDefault("tdb.indexes.triples", StrUtils.strjoin(",",dftIndexes)) ;
        String indexes[] = x.split(",") ;
        if ( indexes.length != 3 )
            SetupTDB_OLD.error(log, "Wrong number of triple table indexes: "+StrUtils.strjoin(",", indexes)) ;
        log.debug("Triple table: "+primary+" :: "+StrUtils.strjoin(",", indexes)) ;
        TupleIndex tripleIndexes[] = makeTupleIndexes(location, config, primary, indexes, indexes) ;
        if ( tripleIndexes.length != indexes.length )
            SetupTDB_OLD.error(log, "Wrong number of triple table tuples indexes: "+tripleIndexes.length) ;
        TripleTable tripleTable = new TripleTable(tripleIndexes, nodeTable, policy) ;
        metafile.flush() ;
        return tripleTable ;
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        return tripleTable ;
    public static QuadTable makeQuadTable(Location location, Properties config, NodeTable nodeTable, String dftPrimary, String[] dftIndexes, DatasetControl policy)
        MetaFile metafile = location.getMetaFile() ;
        String primary = metafile.getOrSetDefault("tdb.indexes.quads.primary", dftPrimary) ;
        String x = metafile.getOrSetDefault("tdb.indexes.quads", StrUtils.strjoin(",",dftIndexes)) ;
        String indexes[] = x.split(",") ;

        if ( indexes.length != 6 )
            SetupTDB_OLD.error(log, "Wrong number of quad table indexes: "+StrUtils.strjoin(",", indexes)) ;
        log.debug("Quad table: "+primary+" :: "+StrUtils.strjoin(",", indexes)) ;
        TupleIndex quadIndexes[] = makeTupleIndexes(location, config, primary, indexes, indexes) ;
        if ( quadIndexes.length != indexes.length )
            SetupTDB_OLD.error(log, "Wrong number of quad table tuples indexes: "+quadIndexes.length) ;
        QuadTable quadTable = new QuadTable(quadIndexes, nodeTable, policy) ;
        metafile.flush() ;
        return quadTable ;
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        // Some of this is also in locationMetadata.
        MetaFile metafile = location.getMetaFile() ;
        // The index using for Graph+Prefix => URI
        String indexPrefixes = metafile.getOrSetDefault("tdb.prefixes.index.file", Names.indexPrefix) ;
        String primary = metafile.getOrSetDefault("tdb.prefixes.primary", Names.primaryIndexPrefix) ;
        String x = metafile.getOrSetDefault("tdb.prefixes.indexes", StrUtils.strjoin(",",Names.prefixIndexes)) ;
        String indexes[] = x.split(",") ;
        TupleIndex prefixIndexes[] = makeTupleIndexes(location, config, primary, indexes, new String[]{indexPrefixes}) ;
        if ( prefixIndexes.length != indexes.length )
            SetupTDB_OLD.error(log, "Wrong number of triple table tuples indexes: "+prefixIndexes.length) ;
        // The nodetable.
        String pnNode2Id = metafile.getOrSetDefault("tdb.prefixes.nodetable.mapping.node2id", Names.prefixNode2Id) ;
        String pnId2Node = metafile.getOrSetDefault("tdb.prefixes.nodetable.mapping.id2node", Names.prefixId2Node) ;
        // No cache - the prefix mapping is a cache
        NodeTable prefixNodes = makeNodeTable(location, pnNode2Id, -1, pnId2Node, -1, -1;
        DatasetPrefixesTDB prefixes = new DatasetPrefixesTDB(prefixIndexes, prefixNodes, policy) ;
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        * tdb.file.impl.version=bplustree-v1         

        FileSet fs = new FileSet(location, indexName) ;
        // Physical
        MetaFile metafile = fs.getMetaFile() ;
        metafile.checkOrSetMetadata("tdb.file.type", "rangeindex") ;
        metafile.checkOrSetMetadata("tdb.file.indexorder", indexOrder) ;
        int readCacheSize = PropertyUtils.getPropertyAsInteger(config, Names.pBlockReadCacheSize) ;
        int writeCacheSize = PropertyUtils.getPropertyAsInteger(config, Names.pBlockWriteCacheSize) ;
        // Value part is null (zero length)
        RangeIndex rIndex = makeRangeIndex(location, indexName, keyLength, 0, readCacheSize, writeCacheSize) ;
        TupleIndex tupleIndex = new TupleIndexRecord(primary.length(), new ColumnMap(primary, indexOrder), indexOrder, rIndex.getRecordFactory(), rIndex) ;
        metafile.flush() ;
        return tupleIndex ;
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         * tdb.file.impl=bplustree         # Implementation
         * tdb.file.impl.version=bplustree-v1         
         FileSet fs = new FileSet(location, indexName) ;
         // Physical
         MetaFile metafile = fs.getMetaFile() ;
         metafile.checkOrSetMetadata("tdb.file.type", "rangeindex") ;
         String indexType = metafile.getOrSetDefault("tdb.file.impl", "bplustree") ;
         if ( ! indexType.equals("bplustree") )
             log.error("Unknown index type: "+indexType) ;
             throw new TDBException("Unknown index type: "+indexType) ;
         metafile.checkOrSetMetadata("tdb.file.impl.version", "bplustree-v1") ;
         RangeIndex rIndex =  makeBPlusTree(fs, readCacheSize, writeCacheSize, dftKeyLength, dftValueLength) ;
         return rIndex ;
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         * tdb.bplustree.record=24,0
         * tdb.bplustree.blksize=
         * tdb.bplustree.order=
        MetaFile metafile = fs.getMetaFile() ;
        RecordFactory recordFactory = makeRecordFactory(metafile, "tdb.bplustree.record", dftKeyLength, dftValueLength) ;
        String blkSizeStr = metafile.getOrSetDefault("tdb.bplustree.blksize", Integer.toString(SystemTDB.BlockSize)) ;
        int blkSize = SetupTDB_OLD.parseInt(blkSizeStr, "Bad block size") ;
        // IndexBuilder.getBPlusTree().newRangeIndex(fs, recordFactory) ;
        // Does not set order.
        int calcOrder = BPlusTreeParams.calcOrder(blkSize, recordFactory.recordLength()) ;
        String orderStr = metafile.getOrSetDefault("tdb.bplustree.order", Integer.toString(calcOrder)) ;
        int order = SetupTDB_OLD.parseInt(orderStr, "Bad order for B+Tree") ;
        if ( order != calcOrder )
            SetupTDB_OLD.error(log, "Wrong order (" + order + "), calculated = "+calcOrder) ;

        RangeIndex rIndex = createBPTree(fs, order, blkSize, readCacheSize, writeCacheSize, recordFactory) ;
        metafile.flush() ;
        return rIndex ;
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         * tdb.file.impl.version=dat-v1
         * tdb.object.encoding=sse
        MetaFile metafile = fsIdToNode.getMetaFile() ;
        metafile.checkOrSetMetadata("tdb.file.type", ObjectFile.type) ;
        metafile.checkOrSetMetadata("tdb.file.impl", "dat") ;
        metafile.checkOrSetMetadata("tdb.file.impl.version", "dat-v1") ;
        metafile.checkOrSetMetadata("tdb.object.encoding", "sse") ;
        String filename = fsIdToNode.filename(Names.extNodeData) ;
        ObjectFile objFile = FileFactory.createObjectFileDisk(filename);
        return objFile ;
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Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.base.file.MetaFile$ComparatorKeys

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