// Any filters that depend on no variables.
Op op = insertAnyFilter(exprs, patternVarsScope, null) ;
for ( Triple triple : pattern )
OpBGP opBGP = getBGP(op) ;
if ( opBGP == null )
// Last thing was not a BGP (so it likely to be a filter)
// Need to pass the results from that into the next triple.
// Which is a join and sequence is a special case of join
// which always evaluates by passing results of the early
// part into the next element of the sequence.
opBGP = new OpBGP() ;
op = OpSequence.create(op, opBGP) ;
opBGP.getPattern().add(triple) ;
// Update variables in scope.
VarUtils.addVarsFromTriple(patternVarsScope, triple) ;
// Attempt to place any filters
op = insertAnyFilter(exprs, patternVarsScope, op) ;