final Property p = model.createProperty(TestList.NS, "p");
// a list of the nil object, but not typed
final Resource nil = RDF.nil;
model.add(root, p, nil);
final RDFList l0 = getListRoot(model);
checkValid("valid1", l0, true);
// add another node to the head of the list
final Resource badList = model.createResource();
model.getRequiredProperty(root, p).remove();
model.add(root, p, badList);
model.add(badList, RDF.type, RDF.List);
final RDFList l1 = getListRoot(model);
checkValid("valid2", l1, false);
// checkValid( "valid3", l1, false );
model.add(badList, RDF.first, "fred");