// collect all found reified Vine statements in this map:
Map<StmtKey,Set<Resource>> stmtRsrsMap = new HashMap<StmtKey,Set<Resource>>();
while ( vineStmts.hasNext() ) {
Statement stmt = vineStmts.nextStatement();
Property prd = stmt.getPredicate();
// Vine "subject" arbitrarily chosen to check whether we're seeing a Vine statement:
if ( _isVineSubject(prd) ) {
// Yes, add the reified statement to our map:
Resource stmtRsr = stmt.getSubject();
StmtKey stmtKey = _getStmtKey(stmtRsr);
_getSetForStmtKey(stmtRsrsMap, stmtKey).add(stmtRsr);
// else: to capture cases not using reification, see if the predicate is
// one of the SKOS xxxMatch properties. Try the two SKOS namespaces:
else if ( prd.getNameSpace().equals(Skos.NS) || prd.getNameSpace().equals(Skos2.NS)) {
if ( prd.getLocalName().endsWith("Match") ) {
// Yes, it's a simple statement with a xxxxMatch predicate:
StmtKey stmtKey = _getStmtKey(stmt);
if ( stmtKey != null ) {