return prefixer.getLocalName();
public String getLabel() {
if (!node.isResource()) return null;
Literal result = null;
if (node.isURIResource()) {
if (predicate.equals(RDF.type)) {
// Look up class labels in vocabulary store
result = vocabularyStore.getLabel(node.asNode().getURI(), false);
} else if (node.isURIResource()) {
// If it's not a class, see if we happen to have a label cached
result = vocabularyStore.getCachedLabel(node.asResource().getURI(), false);
if (result == null) {
// Use any label that may be included in the description model
result = new ResourceDescription(node.asResource(), model, config).getLabel();
if (result == null) return null;
return toTitleCase(result.getLexicalForm(), result.getLanguage());